Beau Hollis is the creator of Quick Flip Secrets, where he teaches you how to earn $10k to $20k a month “quick flipping” houses, even in a recession. That’s right. Up, down, bull, bear – doesn’t matter.
You can always make money buying houses at a discount and selling ’em for more.
You just have to be good at three things: talking to sellers, talking to buyers, and networking. That’s it.
Your favorite real estate guru? They do all three of those things exceptionally well.
“If you can do those things, you can build a massive real estate investing business,” Beau says. “Facts.”
“I see people wanna get involved in real estate investing and they start talking to sellers, they start talking to buyers, but they easily get distracted,” he continues.
“And they start doing things that make them feel good and comfortable. Like building your website. Working on logos. Working on fancy domain names. Doing things that are not actually revenue-producing activities.”
“They get distracted by things that make them feel good because talking to sellers, talking to buyers, and going and putting yourself out there? It is uncomfortable. Let’s really just address the elephant in the room. It’s not the most comfortable thing to do when you’re out there cold calling or cold texting a seller, asking them if they want to sell their house. At a discount no less.”
“So let me coach you here for a second. You have to stop doing the things that are actually not producing income.”
Chances are, if you’re not on the phone with a buyer or a seller, your time could be better spent.
The more hours you can spend trying to acquire a deal or sell a deal or meet someone who wants to do one of those things, the more money you’re gonna make flipping houses. Don’t overcomplicate this.
Choose one marketing method. Only one. Marry it. Put a ring on that thing. And you just do it over and over and over until you’re getting deals on repeat.
Be a creator and not a consumer.

“Here’s another thing I see people get completely distracted with, and it will kill their business,” Beau rants.
“You do a deal or two. You make some money. Maybe you’ve done 10 deals or 20 deals.”
“You’re making a little bit of money in this business, and you get distracted by something called scale. ‘Hey, I’ve done some of these things. I’m making some money. I must be good at this. I’m going to scale my business.'”
“So you start hiring people and growing your business and you start taking on flips and rentals and trying to grow your social media following.”
Now what happens?
Now you’re going away from those three things that got you to this point. Talking to sellers, talking to buyers, and networking, right?
Plus your expenses shot up.
All of a sudden, you’re working more than ever, you’re super stressed out, and sure, you may be grossing more, but you’re netting less.
What was the point? Wouldn’t you have been better off sticking to the basics, just doing more of it? Spending more time, face to face, connecting with other movers and shakers?
Beau sure thinks so.
“Networking is the most powerful thing that you can do to grow any business,” he says. “I believe that, if you’re a real estate investor looking for off-market deals to grow your wholesale real estate portfolio, I believe you can not only double but triple or quadruple your revenue if you do these three things well. Talk to sellers, talk to buyers, and build your network.”
“Stop everything else. It’s all a distraction,” he ends with.
Check out Beau’s Quick Flip Secrets course for more no-nonsense training.