Hamza Ali is the founder of Hamza Invests. He’s a seasoned residential and commercial real estate investor with a portfolio of over $270 million in flex space developments throughout Texas.
I just saw a Facebook ad for his coaching program: Flex Space Untapped.
“In it,” Hamza says, “you’re gonna learn how to build your first flex space property. Notice I said build. We’re not buying existing developments, which is a huge advantage because land is the cheapest thing in real estate.”
“As you know,” Hamza continues, “everything is overinflated right now. And so buying asset classes or real estate that is already built is very expensive.”
“So in this course I’m gonna teach you how to find land parcels that are optimal for this.”
“I’m also gonna be talking about how you guys can handle your loan applications, talk to banks, and use OPM, which is other people’s money.”
“Also, how to develop a well-planned flex space business park.”
“Then, how to rent spaces and ultimately sell for massive ROI,” he says.
One of the cool things Hamza does is he doesn’t use any realtors or brokers to lease out his spaces.
Instead, he uses online marketing so that tenants come to him.
In addition to saving him some serious cheddar that would otherwise go towards commission fees, it also saves him a ton of time because he gets to communicate with these people personally, give ’em live updates, answer their questions, overcome any objections they might have, etc.
“This program also includes six in-depth modules that I have created for you guys to better understand how exactly I run the business step-by-step,” Hamza picks back up.
“You also get access to a private Discord channel. There, we will be doing group coaching because I wanna hold you guys accountable and make sure that you guys are hyped up, just like me, and are actually gonna complete these developments.”
“You can also download my complete slide deck, take notes and add your own comments.”

Flex Space Untapped had to be made.
It’s an amazing asset class, explosive growth, yet hardly anyone knows about it.
Fun fact: during the pandemic, flex spaces were one of the least impacted niches in all of real estate.
That says a lot because most corporate offices were shut down and many other commercial real estate projects took a big hit.
But if it’s so great, why’s everyone overlooking it, right?
Hamza says it’s ’cause they don’t understand the demand, the target market, or the fact that you can get started without having a million bucks in the bank.
“The most common misunderstanding about flex space asset classes is that they are very large and they are very expensive,” Hamza reiterates.
“Now although that may be the case – meaning, you could build a business park that is over 100,000 square feet, it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to start that way.”
“An average tenant size in flex spaces is actually pretty small: a bit over 2,000 square feet. And what that means is a lot of developers and investors are actually afraid to commit to such a large development,” he explains.
Inside the program, Hamza will ensure you’re pursuing the right sizes and specs of buildings to attract perfect tenants.
You’ll know precisely who these people are, what types of businesses they run, and how to create a flex space “product” that serves their needs.
This will take some time – two years or so per development – but Hamza promises it’ll be worth it.
One project could easily make you 7-figures.
Schedule a call with his team to see if it’s a good fit. No mention of cost.
I can make the same money for the cost of a domain, so I’ll pass.