Mike Hambright Review

The Investor Machine

Mike Hambright has the holy grail for real estate investors: better, cheaper leads. Meaning: more deals, more money, and you’re living your best life.

Thing is, not all leads are created equal.

The higher the motivation, the higher the equity, the more likely that seller is to sell soon, the better that lead is, right?

Most real estate investors, when it comes to lead generation, they’re bringing a knife to a gun fight.

Mike would know.

The FlipNerd.com founder has flipped hundreds of houses.

To do that, he’s had to spend over $1 million of his own money on lead gen.

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And now Mike and his business partner manage millions of dollars for other real estate investors to help them get their own leads.

What he’s realized is, ya gotta stop trying to do everything yourself.

  • Finding the house
  • Negotiating
  • Buying it cheap
  • Finding good contractors
  • Sourcing cheap materials
  • Finding buyers
  • Negotiating some more

It never ends, does it? Yeah, well, this has to stop.

You can’t be good at everything. And even if you could, there’s not enough time in the day.

Mike used to be the guy trying to outwork everyone. Then he tried to outspend everyone. Then he tried to outsmart everyone.

Guess what? None of it worked.

Truth is, real estate investing is not rocket science. It just requires execution with precision.

That said, the most common question Mike gets asked is: What’s the best list to market to?

Doesn’t exist, Mike says. You have to take data from several sources. There’s broad data, personal preferences, and local data.

Broad data would be things like the age of the seller, the age of the property, whether the seller is an absentee owner, whether they have equity, how long they’ve owned it for, etc.

And this is where most real estate investors stop.

Which is a recipe for mediocrity because it’s what everyone else is doing.

What you should do, now, is layer in your own personal preferences.

What zip codes do you want houses in? What’s your cutoff for how old the house can be? How ’bout lot size?

Mike Axe Throwing
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The closer you can get to your perfect property, the better those marketing dollars perform.

We’re not done though.

Time to factor in local data. Probate, tax liens, arrest records, recent divorce, water shut off, eviction notices, mail undeliverable, IRS liens, and so on.

Mike and his team go after about 40 different local data points for their clients. List stacking on steroids.

Problem is, it’s hard to do all this yourself.

So this is where Mike’s Investor Machine agency comes into play.

They have a software that uses advanced analytics to compile all the data points, account for things like your budget and preferences, and then it figures out a plan of attack for direct mail, skip traces, custom social media targeting (mostly on Facebook), and all the rest.

The InvestorMachine team can manage it all on your behalf.

Remember, too, every data point has a shelf life. If someone is recently divorced, there’s only a certain number of months it makes sense to market to them.

Mike thinks you should let them handle all the above while you spend your time talking to sellers and enjoying your life more.

The market has shifted. There’s more competition, more sophistication nowadays. You’re either keeping up or getting further behind.

Book a call to learn more about working with Investor Machine.

You must already be spending money on advertising, already doing deals.

Their service is not for brand new real estate investors.

Obviously, there’s a cost. And I doubt it’s cheap.

Overall, Mike gets an A for his marketing.

Honest, ethical, transparent, not pushy at all. Well done.

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