Dustin Hahn Reviews

Dustin Hahn REI

Dustin Hahn wants you to imagine where you would be if you would have just invested in real estate 20 years ago.

Chances are, you’d be a multimillionaire by now.

He wants to show you how to buy property for 40- to 90% below market value.

Without leaving your house if you don’t want to. And without any prior real estate experience.

So that you can make money in today’s (or any) market.

Is this guy legit? Read on for my Dustin Hahn real estate investing review.

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In his latest YouTube ad, Dustin shows one house he bought for $8,800.

He did nothing to it, sold it as is for just over $60,000, cash. Pocketed about $53,000.

According to Realtor.com, today it’s worth $116,000.

Dustin can help you do the same.

  • Find the best deals before your competition does.
  • Get ’em for 40- to 90% under market value.
  • And start closing one to two deals per month, minimum, starting right now.

But how?

Dustin uses a simple five-step strategy.

This is the same strategy his company, 6 Day Cash Buyers, uses to do as many as 10 deals a month. Some they wholesale, some they fix and flip, others they turn into rentals for long term wealth building.

You can choose what’s best for you.

Step 1 is to find motivated sellers.

Dustin likes using tax lien lists. People who have not paid their property tax.

Zillow, bandit signs, the MLS, and Craigslist? All worthless, he says.

Step 2 is to choose a list providing service.

Dustin’s go-to is PropStream.

Step 3 is to go ahead and use the software to download the tax lien list.

Pretty straightforward.

Step 4 is to skip trace the list and get cell phone numbers for these homeowners.

REI Skip is what he recommends.

Step 5 is to fire off text messages to these folks.

This is where the magic happens. The average direct mail campaign sent to motivated sellers gets a 0.5% response rate over 30 days.

But with texts? It’s as high as 20% in the first 30 minutes alone.

Dustin Hahn Antlers
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You can send these texts from your phone or use a tool.

Dustin does the latter, allowing him to send out 150 of them in about a minute.

You can Google “real estate text messaging software” and pick whichever one is most affordable.

But yeah.

With the right list of the right motivated sellers, if you can send 150 texts out five days a week, that’s more than enough to do one to two deals a month, Dustin says.

In his demo video, he proves people really do reply within minutes.

From there, you just gotta work the hot leads.

It’s no magic bullet, but it’s about as easy as real estate investing gets. Fast, virtual, beginner-friendly, worked during the pandemic, and it’ll work now.

Average profit on one of these deals is $10k to $70k, depending on whether you wholesale or fix and flip.

Just one deal a month could be life-changing.

As for your options?

You can try to figure it out yourself. Waste precious time and money.

Or, you can work with Dustin, copy his entire system, and be doing one to two deals per month in the next nine weeks.

Your call.

Next Level Real Estate Investing is the name of his program.

Snag a spot on his calendar to learn more, find out what it costs, see if you’re a good fit.

Dustin Hahn has an excellent rating on Trustpilot.

Question, though. If all of Dustin’s students use these same lien lists for the major cities, won’t it get saturated?

And how likely are these people to settle for such a lowball offer?

Also, does Dustin supply scripts and contracts to make life easier?

Depending on the answers, it seems like a solid offer.

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