Max Gorlov Reviews

Writing Coach

Max Gorlov wants to finally help you finish your first book, without the entire process feeling like a thousand-piece puzzle.

His First Book Coaching program has already helped dozens of writers complete a phenomenal first book.

“We’ve written more than half a million words together,” Max says, “all without getting caught in the cycle of self-doubt and distraction that so often kills projects before they’re finished.”

Read on for my full review.

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Max has been writing short stories and longer fiction for over 10 years now.

For the longest time, he had this one golden idea that he wanted to turn into a book. But life would always get in the way.

Then, when he did finally start writing it, every time he sat down, it was daunting, confusing.

He had to accept the inconvenient truth: he really didn’t know how to write a good story; or, to be honest, where to even begin. Sure, he had some good scraps of writing, but how do ya pull ’em together into a finished product?

Max ended up buying courses and burying his head in books – anything he could find on the craft of writing.

“Eventually, I hired two mentors. Both brilliant authors,” Max says. “They showed me a clearer path for how to use my time and get my ideas organized.”

“Now, I’m an alumni of one of London’s top creative writing academies and I personally finished a 120,000-word manuscript that had me scouted by multiple agencies and even a TV company here in the UK,” he adds.

Max realized that there are countless writers out there, like he was, sitting on this amazing book idea, but they can’t get off the starting blocks let alone cross the finish line.

“I can certainly relate to that,” Max says.

“These days, I spend more or less all my time helping budding authors to get back on track, get motivated and inspired and gain the structure to see exactly how to organize their ideas and finish their books.”

“And it’s incredibly rewarding to see these authors regaining the passion that they used to have.”

See Our Top-Rated Program

Anyone who’s tried it can agree: writing a novel’s nowhere near as easy as it sounds.

You have this pressure to create something that matters, something that touches people’s hearts and minds.

And then there’s royalties and raving reviews – surely you wouldn’t mind a few of those.

It’s daunting to think about.

And then you have to find the time, the focus, the energy to chip away at it, page by page, day after day.

All the while, imposter syndrome looms in the background, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

  • Where’s the story going?
  • What should happen next?
  • What exactly is this thing that I’m working on?
  • Will anyone even care about it?
  • What will my family and friends say?
  • Will they be supportive to my face and then talk smack behind my back?
  • Where can I get good, healthy, constructive feedback from people who know good writing?

There’s a lot going through your head. That’s normal.

And it’s not your fault, Max promises. It’s complex. The stakes are high. But with the right approach and accountability and support, your book will get written.

No matter what challenges you’re facing, Max has seen it and overcome it. Either himself or alongside one of his students.

First Book Coaching can give you a clear sense of direction. It’ll help you build bulletproof confidence in your writing. You’ll easily understand how to structure your plot. Max and his team will keep you on track and provide helpful feedback.

Unfortunately, it’s one of those book-a-call-to-find-out-what-it-costs funnels. So I don’t have a price for you, but my sixth sense is tingling, telling me this is legit.

See Our Top-Rated Program