REI Game Changers founder, James Hodges, has a writer-downer for ya: “Simple scales, complexity fails,” he says.
“You wanna fail in business? Add more complexity to it. You wanna scale your business? Keep it simple and stay focused on the needle-moving activities that’ll drive that needle the most in the business,” he continues.
“Let me set the stage here, because my life today looks drastically different than it did just a few years ago.”
“I’m sitting in a million dollar home right now,” James brags.
“And, four years ago, I was making $17,000 total. And, ya know, now I’m living a lifestyle that I never dreamed was possible. I’m just trying to hopefully inspire you, alright?”
“Anyways, let’s dive in. So, scaling sequence. This is one of the most important things for you to grasp,” James says.
“Because, before we can scale, we gotta understand the sequence and the priority within our business, that we can focus on, so that we can scale in a healthy way.”
No sense in scaling your REI business only to end up bankrupt, right?
And that’s something James just about did, himself, back in the day. He did things in the wrong order, creating a shaky foundation that couldn’t support further growth. Not good.
Now he knows better.
He understands that, the first thing you gotta nail down? Is your marketing and sales systems.
If you don’t have those dialed in, it’s only a matter of time before the entire biz topples like a giant Jenga tower.
“And I’ll be honest guys,” James rants, “if you’re doing less than $50,000 a month in your wholesaling business? You do not have your marketing and sales systems dialed in. You don’t.”
“Because, this industry, when you’re talking about doing $15,000-, $20,000 per wholesale deal?”
“Or if you’re flipping, for crying out loud, where you can make $40-, $50k per flip?”
“And you’re still doing less than $50k per month?”
“It’s because your marketing and sales systems are seriously lacking. Period.”
Louder, please, for the deaf in the room!

Okay, so after marketing and sales, then what?
Now you gotta make sure you’re profitable. Or else you’re still gonna be part of the statistic that says, what, something like 95% of small businesses fail within five years?
So if you’re gonna overcome those odds, you have to have healthy profit margins, James explains.
“And then, once you have healthy profit margins, that allows you to take the next step, which is to invest in building your own rock star team. That way, you extract yourself from the operations,” he adds.
“And that’s when true scale starts to happen. True scale does not start to happen unless you are out of the operations completely.”
“Because until that moment? You’re in the weeds in your business.”
“You can’t be the general of the company, you can’t be the captain of the ship, if you’re rowing at the same time. It doesn’t work.”
“And then, once you reach this level of scale, you’ve extracted yourself from the operations, you’ve put rock star team members in place, now you can unlock multiple 7-figures in your company.”
- Now you can start talking legacy.
- Building your portfolio.
- Actually living that dream that made you get into real estate in the first place.
- Experiencing passive income that allows you to do what you want, when you want, with who you want.
Well, that’s what James’s REI Game Changers program is all about.
Helping you accumulate assets that spit out hands-free income each and every month, like clockwork, so that you can create generational wealth for your family.
I just see real estate as horse and plow; internet as John Deere tractor.