Gabe DaSilva Reviews

DaSilva Group Inc

Gabriel DaSilva is a real estate guru who sells a number of programs: Add-A-Level Bus Tour, Fix & Flip Foundation, Real Estate Riches Mastermind, Learn & Earn DaSilva Group, The Fix And Flip Syndicate, and more.

But what’s his deal? Is he legit? Or does he just make all his money selling everyone his secrets?

Read every word of this review to find out.

“As far as my origin story, it’s not unlike many of yours,” Gabe says. “I was in the 9-to-5 grind, hated it, no opportunity to grow, to create any significant value.”

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“I found my way into entrepreneurship via an introduction from a friend who was equally miserable with his 9-to-5,” Gabe continues.

“We sought out to create a restaurant concept. So my first foray into business was in the food service industry. Which is why I’m such a processes and systems guy; you have to be in that space. Inventory has a really short shelf life.”

“But that was a four-year run. I eventually sold the restaurant to my partner and then transitioned into real estate, bringing over the skills I’d learned.”

Gabe came in like, alright, lemme run this how I ran food and see how it serves me. The answer? Really well.

His first project, he does a full gut rehab, makes $82k on it.

“And we’ve never looked back,” he says. “Sure, we’ve done some cosmetic rehabs here and there. We’ve wholetailed, we’ve done some of the other stuff, but we stay true to bigger value-add, add-a-levels, pop tops, whatever you wanna call ’em, additions, and even new construction now.”

Good for Gabe, but can the average person really do this?

Maybe not. But that doesn’t mean you can’t JV with someone who’s strong where you’re weak. Maybe you find and fund the deal, let a general contractor do his thing, chop the profits.

These value-adds are only overwhelming if you try to do everything yourself. Once you align with the right people, yes, anyone can get in on this.

But be organized, follow a blueprint, do things in the right order. A pilot doesn’t just hop in the plane and haphazardly prepare for takeoff. They use a checklist, don’t they? Every. Single. Time.

Gabe Skydiving
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“A pilot has to keep the hundred-something passengers alive,” Gabe explains. “Treat your rehabs the same way. Keep your rehabs alive. Move the project forward per this checklist, this system. Get it done.”

“It’s not sexy. Nobody’s over here doing cartwheels over checklists. But if you execute according to the checklist and you get to the closing table and you net six figures, which you absolutely should on every one of these projects, then you can do your cartwheels, then you can be excited.”

“So like, I don’t wanna overstate it,” he continues, “but we’re systems and processes guys. I subscribe to EOS, the Entrepreneur Operating System, and I will, indefinitely.”

“Then, in terms of scaling up, I like to find A-players, pay ’em a premium, and I try and get ’em around other A-players so that together we’re the A-player team. And that’s why we kick butt. You put a B or a C in the mix and see how fast that dynamic shifts.”

“And you’re born with this ability. As a child, you know how to read people. Your gut tells you.”

Other ‘n’ that, take action and get around people who’re taking action, Gabe says.

Protect your energy. Don’t let anyone drain it. Spend time with people who inspire you and lift you up.

Every time Gabe’s reached new heights in business, in health, in faith, it came from seeking out people who were already where he wanted to be and simply modeling them.

Speaking of which, to learn the four Fs of add-a-level rehabbing – find, fund, fix, and flip – check out Gabe’s paid programs.

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