Beni Fwelo is a real estate investor and fund manager out of Georgia. Last year, his wholesaling business did more than $2 million in volume. This year, he hopes to double that.
He has a course called The Wholescalers, where he can teach you how to wholesale three to five deals per month and buy your first investment property.
No need to use your own money or credit. No experience, certifications or licenses required, either.
Too good to be true? Let’s find out.
Before real estate, Beni was working for Comcast. He was in sales. Good pay, great benefits. He was content to climb the corporate ladder.
Until one random Monday, he gets called into the conference room, and they tell him he’s getting laid off. Just like that. No warning, nothing.
That was a scary moment for him.
He thought about applying at AT&T or Verizon, but then he was like, “You know what, man? I’m hearing about all these people crushing it in real estate; lemme try that.”
Got his first check by driving for dollars and Googling “real estate contract,” which he used to cobble together a deal, flipping the paper at a $40k markup. Ka-ching!
That was five years ago. Beni’s been working for himself ever since.
Of course, now he’s got a real operation. VAs, his own call center, in-house staff, processes, systems, the whole nine yards. Which is why it’s now a multi-million dollar business.
Beni’s done hundreds of wholesale deals and he reinvests the profits into long-term rentals.
“Ultimately bro, we don’t get into entrepreneurship just to make money,” Beni says. “We really get into entrepreneurship to create freedom. So if you’re gonna launch a business just to create another job for yourself? Then what was the point? If I can’t even travel, if I can’t spend time with my family, just do what I really wanna do, then what was the point?”
“It’s not really about money, it’s about freedom. And it starts by delegating. Being okay to let go. Training other people to do your job. You know what I’m saying?”

“When you delegate and you can focus on thinking, and how you can get better at business altogether,” Beni continues, “that’s how you make more money. So try to remove yourself from your business as soon as possible.”
“Obviously, you can’t do it too early. Because nobody understands your vision in the beginning. So you do have to work in your business for some time, until your team can kind of get the vision.”
“But as soon as that happens, you wanna remove yourself. That should be the goal.”
If you would like Beni to mentor you, check out his Wholescalers program.
It’s so much more than a course. It’s a community of people that wanna master wholesaling, but run it like a real company, and then branch out into bigger and better deals. Multifamily, commercial, whatever it may be.
Beni took his time creating this. He wanted to be proud of the end product.
He’s even recruited other movers and shakers, like his friend Malik, who makes $400k a month wholesaling, to contribute inside the group.
What’s the future hold for Beni?
It’ll always involve real estate, he says. He’ll continue to wholesale, he’ll continue to grow his Wholescalers coaching, and there’ll be an increasing emphasis on making his money work for him.
So buying up more units, more buildings, stacking more monthly cash flow that comes in whether he’s sleeping or sipping a strawberry-lemon mojito in a pool in Cabo. Love it.
Couldn’t find how much Beni’s mentorship costs, but I get a really good vibe from him.