Todd M Fleming is the cofounder of Kingdom Real Estate and the author of two books: If You Can’t Wholesale After This, I’ve Got Nothing For You and If You Can’t Cashflow After This, I’ve Got Nothing For You.
“Real estate is much harder than they say,” Todd admits.
“But what they don’t tell you is that there’s a much easier way to invest and make money in real estate,” he continues.
“With my unique method, you can make more money than the top 1% of real estate earners – without having to work 60+ hours per week or owning your own brokerage firm.”
Years back, Todd quit his day job and became a realtor.
He thought he’d be raking in the big bucks in no time. Boy was he wrong.
So he tried his hand at real estate wholesaling.
In simple terms, it’s the art of locating a property at a discount that you can then place under a contract and then you sell that contract for a profit.
You never had to own the house or take any money out of your pocket, Todd points out.
You’re basically creating money outta thin air.
Yes, it really is that simple. But, as you know, simple doesn’t always mean easy.
In the beginning, Todd struggled because he was guessing at property values.
He didn’t know if he’d close five deals in a month, or zero.
That is, until he discovered what he calls The Hex Method.
“I no longer worried if I was gonna sell my contracts because I had offers on them before I even signed them,” he recalls.
“I never had to wonder how many deals I was going to close each month because this method brought repeat and consistent income into my business,” he explains.
“I was getting paid 10, 20, 30, even up to 100 times, for months and years to come.”
Since adopting this method, money’s never been an issue for Todd.
The problem is, with traditional wholesaling, they start you with the seller.
You’re running around, talking to as many sellers as possible.
Even if you happen to get a contract, now you have to sell it, right? So you go and market it. Hopefully a potential buyer comes along.
You tell ’em you want $150k for the house or whatever.
Turns out, it’s only worth $130k, needs a ton of work, and the buyer offers you a measly $70k. No bueno.

Now you have to negotiate your face off, probably with both buyer and seller, to find a price that works for everyone.
If you’re lucky, you get a deal done and collect a whopping $3,000.
Worse, now you’re back at zero, hunting for the next paycheck.
That’s absolute madness, Todd laughs.
The Hexagonal Method is a bit different. Here, you start with the buyer. They let you know, “Hey, I want a three-bed, two-bath, this zip code, this price,” right?
You go talk to those sellers, offer ’em less than what the buyer’s willing to pay, end up pocketing $10- to $25k.
With The Hex Method, you knew precisely what price to start at.
It’s a simpler, smoother, quicker process.
Derek, one of Todd’s Kingdom Real Estate students, has lived it: “After just three weeks in the community, I have two deals under contract and will be making just under $30k in assignment fees,” he posts.
Another couple, Kathy and Kyle, made a monstrous $171,000 on one deal.
And then there’s Dawn, who wholesales from her beachfront home, closing deals consistently each and every month.
“If you’ve been dying to fire your boss, kiss the 9-5 goodbye, or even just add a good chunk of extra income to your life, The Hex Method is a godsend,” Todd says.
“You don’t need to own any property. You don’t need any real estate experience. And you don’t need to be some rockstar sales whiz,” he adds.
“Everyone else wholesaling is running around in circles, trying to get paid on any deal they can. When they do close a deal, it’s one and done.”
“But not those that use The Hex Method,” he ends with.
Book a call to learn about Todd’s Kingdom Real Estate coaching, find out what it costs, see if it’s something you wanna do.
Or tap below for a quick rundown on virtual real estate.