Elijah Rubin and Jennifer Coronado are the creators of Fire Damage Profits. Here’s what you need to know.
“Listen guys, I’ve been doing real estate investing for over 16 years,” Elijah says.
“I’ve wholesaled over $250 million worth of transactions, over 750 deals underneath my belt,” he continues.
“And I don’t say that to impress you but to impress upon you that we’re so grateful to come across this unbelievable niche of wholesaling fire damaged properties.”
Jennifer jumps in, “I’ve been a part of it five years now, and we’re so excited because we’re gonna be able to share with you how you can earn three checks on one opportunity without having to be an expert.”
“What is the fire damaged niche and who is it for?” she continues.
“Well let’s talk about who it’s not for. This is not a get rich quick scheme where you’re gonna start making millions overnight, okay?”
“There’s no magic pills, guys.”
“And if you’ve never done a wholesale deal before? This is not for you.”
Jennifer and Elijah are looking for experienced real estate investors; people who’ve already done a few deals.
Those who wanna find a niche market where there’s less competition, and profit more per deal.
Or, if you’ve got an investing company that you’re scaling up, and just wanna add an additional stream of income to.
In 2008, when everything crashed, Elijah had to figure out how to stay in business. Desperation became inspiration.
“Luckily, I came across this amazing niche of wholesaling fire damage deals,” Elijah says.
“After I did one or two of ’em, I realized there’s no competition.”
“Nobody’s really making offers. Everybody’s passing on these deals,” he explains.
“They’re just sitting there, right?”
“And that’s when I had my epiphany,” Elijah remembers.
“I was able to make additional profit because there was insurance money that nobody else knew about.”
“So fast forward: I started making three checks on each deal, consistently.”
Okay bro, are you gonna tell us what those three checks are?

Eventually, he spits it out.
So first you got your standard wholesale check.
You take the fire damaged property off the seller’s hands, find a buyer who’ll pay more for it, pocket the difference, right?
Second is your “supplemental check.”
This is when you help the owner recover the money that’s owed to them from the insurance company.
And then third is your rebuild or relocation fee.
Helping them get into another property, basically.
Elijah and Jennifer have been doing this over and over for nearly five years now.
“And now we wanted to bring it to the masses so you can become a fire damage specialist in your market,” Elijah says.
“And I know what you’re thinking here. ‘There isn’t enough fire damaged properties to go around.'”
“That could not be further from the truth,” Elijah argues.
“Let me give you some stats.”
“On average, fire damage responders attend to about a million fires per year.”
“A third of them are structures. That’s billions of dollars worth of property damage that the insurance company owes, and it’s not all going to the homeowner like it should.”
The numbers don’t lie.
Just because you’re overlooking ’em doesn’t mean these deals aren’t there.
The Fire Damage Profits coaching program will teach you:
- How to find these deals.
- How to analyze them properly.
- How to get the supplemental check.
- How to get the rebuild or relocation fee.
- And how to scale up.
They don’t say what it costs. Book a call to find out.
Or tap below to compare it to digital real estate, which is what we do.