Career Evolved Review

The Cove

Olivia Gamber is the fonder and CEO of Career Evolved, a company that can help you break through in your career via transformational mindset work.

According to Olivia, there are three keys to landing a 6-figure job you love, in any industry, at any age, wherever you live – without a fancy resume or using a recruiter or doing outdated networking or submitting online applications all damn day.

Is this too good to be true? Let’s find out.

Read on for my review.

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Most people, when they’re looking for a new job, they throw out some feelers, they let people know they’re interested in something new, then they sit and wait.

This lumps you in with everyone else. You’re reduced to a piece of paper with your qualifications and some bullet points of your skills and accolades.

It’s impossible to stand out this way. You’ve made yourself a commodity.

So any time you’re relying on your resume, recruiters or online applications, you’re almost guaranteeing failure.

It’s either gonna be crickets or, at best, you’ll get an automated email back saying they’ve received your application – and then it’ll be crickets.

Has this ever happened to you? It’s demoralizing. You start to question your own worth. You feel like your back’s against the wall. You’ve got no leverage. It’s just you defending your resume to a buncha gatekeepers that really couldn’t care less.

Makes sense, Olivia. The standard approach does seem hopeless. So what are you suggesting we do instead?

Shift No. 1, she says, is to match your mindset to your ambition.

You attract opportunities based on who you are, how you’re showing up, your competence, your clarity, your presence, and your ability to influence others. If you don’t believe you’re worth $100-, $150-, $250k, how’ll anyone else?

So half the battle is building up your mindset to really own that presence as a leader, as an executive, a coder, a premium product.

When you sit in a Bentley, you want one. It doesn’t need to be sold. It’s an experience.

You have to give off that same vibe.

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Shift No. 2 is to stop being everything to everyone.

If you’re versatile, great. Wonderful. But if your message is too broad, it becomes overwhelming. Diluted. Unclear. Right? And when you lack clarity, you lack certainty.

Nobody’s trying to hire you because you claim you’re kinda good at a lot of things. But they will if it’s abundantly clear, you’re really freakin’ good at the one role they desperately need to fill.

Long story short, get the right message in front of the right people to stack the odds in your favor.

Last but not least, Shift No. 3, is that you need a business strategy of one.

“You are a business,” Olivia says. “You need to start thinking about yourself as a business.”

“Because you’re the product that’s being taken to market. And any premium product that wants to dominate their market and get multiple offers and above-market pay? Well, you need a strategy to get attention with those key decision makers, those executives that can hire you for $100-, $150-, $250-, $350k opportunities,” she adds.

“You need a process to get their attention to convert them into advocates. This is a campaign for you. And if your campaign relies on resumes and recruiters, then you are not going to stand out from your competition.”

“It’s about you building relationships, getting people to experience your brand, and getting an army of career promoters that want to introduce you to these executives.”

Book a call at Career Evolved to learn more.

No mention of cost.

Seems legit, but you don’t need a j-o-b to make 6-figures, ya know. Tap below.

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