Ryan Dossey runs the largest mastermind for successful real estate investors. It’s called Create Cash Flow, or CCF for short.
He says his members are consistently finding good deals, despite all the supply and demand issues right now; despite the fact that ya got iBuyers paying a premium for everything; and despite everyone freaking out about inflation.
But maybe you haven’t been so lucky. Maybe you’re struggling right now.
That’s okay. You’re not alone.
It wasn’t all that long ago, Ryan was in your shoes.
Even when he went full-time, he was barely able to put together six deals.
How’d he go from struggling, totally overwhelmed and unsure about his future, to where he’s at today?
Well, it had nothing to do with formal education. Ryan didn’t even graduate high school let alone get a college degree.
And he certainly didn’t come from money. Matter fact, at age 20, he was making a whopping $23,000 a year. Before taxes.
He was miserable, could hardly get outta bed.
“It was about at that time that a coworker of mine recommended that I read Rich Dad Poor Dad,” Ryan recalls.
“I read it, it got me really like fired up and excited about real estate, but it didn’t actually teach me how to do anything,” he continues.
“That was when I found a website called Bigger Pockets and originally heard about a concept called wholesaling. Which was advertised as like, you could make money without any experience, which sounded great. ‘Cause I didn’t have any money or any experience at the time.”
“I ended up partnering with that coworker, and we took a $3,000 yellow letter campaign and we split it down the middle. My $1,500 went on a credit card that I didn’t know how I was gonna pay off.”
“But in that first 30 days, we actually got our first deal done and we pulled in $10,000 after paying ourselves back for that direct mail campaign,” Ryan says.
“And then we took that $10,000 and used it as the downpayment on our first two rental properties.”
This gave Ryan a pep in his step.

So he burned the boats and quit his job, leaving himself very little runway to work with.
He was down to about his last $3,000; and had about $3,000 worth of bills each month.
That first year he scraped together those six deals he mentioned earlier, making just barely enough to not have to go crawling back to his former boss.
He kept looking for new ways to find off-market deals at a discount.
Persistence pays off. That second year, everything changed. He did 74 off-market deals.
And he’s kept that pace up for the last six years and counting.
Looking back, Ryan recommends you ignore most of the “dinosaur advice” you hear being dished out.
For example, Ryan went against the grain and set up a local brand. He realized people wanna see reviews, they wanna know you’re legit.
No guru’s telling you to do that in their $1,997 course they’re advertising all over YouTube.
The second unorthodox thing Ryan started doing was sending out direct mail written by a real human with a real pen.
Third, he made sure every incoming call was answered, not sent to voicemail. Don’t worry, you can outsource this.
Fourth, he used Instagram and Facebook ads to add value to the homeowners in his area. This established his company as the go-to home buyers in his local market.
Fifth, he hired copywriters to write text message follow-ups specific to each type of person who was joining his list.
He wants to help you do these things in your market.
No course, no seminar, no meetup – just his CCF mastermind. Book a call to find out cost.
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