Chi Ta Reviews


Chi Ta is the founder of Airbnb Millionaire Secrets, BNB Domination 5 Day Challenge, and The BNB University. Through these courses and programs, he can teach you how to become extremely successful with Airbnb.

Before getting into Airbnb himself, his life was absolutely tumultuous. He grew up in the ghetto in San Fran, in a 400 square foot studio apartment. Chi did terrible in school, but he always had a great work ethic, thanks to his parents.

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When he was 16, he got a job working at Starbucks. By 18, he was one of the youngest store managers in the country. Four years later, when he was 22, he pivoted from macchiatos to mortgages. Excelled at that too. Started his own firm, made millions of dollars.

But then, in October of 2017, it all came crashing down. The government came out with new regulations that changed the way people could qualify for the loan program that was the bread and butter of Chi’s mortgage firm.

Time to throw a Hail Mary.

Chi couch surfed with friends and family, while listing his place on Airbnb. Month one, he made just enough to get by. By month nine, he had scaled it to about $2.4 million a year in revenue, with $1 million of that being pure profit.

“And this can happen for anybody,” he says. “I’m super average. I didn’t learn any new skills to do this.”

“This is not something that only I have accomplished. In fact, I have students that do way better than I do. My goal is to let you experience the freedom that I was so lucky to have experienced,” he adds.

But here’s the problem.

Everyone’s piling on the Airbnb bandwagon now; and many of ’em are just chasing money.

They’re listing generic properties, doing the bare minimum, providing poor customer service, shoddy cleaning, and now everyone’s crying about Airbnbust. As if it’s a bubble that’s about to pop and there’s nothing hosts can do about it.

Of course there is, Chi says.

Be better, be different, give people an alternative that’s cheaper and more convenient and memorable than a hotel stay.

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In fact, Airbnb recently changed their algorithm to favor properties that are higher in quality, making it harder for lackadaisical hosts to get bookings.

You can even search by category now. Castles, lakefront, off-the-grid, earth homes, A-frames, creative spaces, caves, boats, containers. You get the idea.

Point is, hosts who go above and beyond and think outside the box are gonna continue to do just fine on Airbnb.

So like, theme it out in Marvel or Harry Potter. Add an arcade room. Make sure it’s sparkling and spotless when guests check in.

“Now the other thing, is Airbnb is now prioritizing low price,” Chi says. “Low total price, that is. Which includes cleaning and miscellaneous fees. And they’re promoting those properties with the lowest prices first on their search.”

“Most people rent out random properties and they don’t really know what to charge. They kinda look at the competition and just do something similar. There’s nothing really wrong with that system but you’re not going to stand out. You’re going to get washed out on search. So you must lower your price, especially during slow seasons,” Chi explains.

“To recap, make your properties unique. Make them stand out. Theme them out. And work on your dynamic pricing.”

“As a host that’s done over $10 million dollars on Airbnb, and have produced multiple multi-millionaire Airbnb students, this is how you create life-changing income on the Airbnb platform,” he summarizes.

Sign up for his $47 BNB Domination Challenge or enroll in his course, The BNB University, for $2,497, if you’d like his guidance.

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