Million Dollar Renter Review

Risk And Reward

Sean Rakidzich runs the Airbnb Automated YouTube channel. He sells a variety of courses that teach you how to make money with Airbnb. Without owning any property and investing just a few thousand dollars.

That’s right, put a little in, get back a lot.

How much? Well, Sean claims he makes millions of dollars a year as an Airbnb superhost.

Can you trust him? And will this work for you? Or is it too late – has the Airbnb ship already sailed?

Read on for my Million Dollar Renter review.

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Sean’s go-to model is something called rental arbitrage, where you pick up properties that you don’t own, through landlords, put them on Airbnb, and create a profit for yourself.

Sean’s got several Airbnb accounts, but just one of ’em has about 75 properties in the Dallas area and brings in around $130k a month using this strategy.

But Sean promises, he’s not the only one winning with this model. He’s taught hundreds of others how to do this as well, and many of them are now getting good results.

And if you look at Sean’s Airbnb Automated channel, you’ll see he’s been teaching this stuff for years now.

Some of his older instructional videos have a million-plus views.

Point being, he’s been in the trenches, actually doing this, for quite a while.

He’s not just some fly-by-night guru who saw the Airbnb opportunity trending and decided to throw some crummy course together, having never really lived it himself.

Matter fact, Sean thinks you can probably get more value from his free content than you can from most paid courses that are out there.

“The other thing you gotta understand is, I’m not special,” Sean says.

“I was in the newspaper industry for a long time,” he explains. “So, I was a sales guy.”

“And I grew up in a really poor family in Wisconsin.”

“I didn’t have much going on for me. I wasn’t really popular. I was kind of the dirty kid in school.”

“And I didn’t have any good role models aside from my choir teacher and a guy that I worked for who was actually my bigger brother in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program.”

“And that was it. So I got into sales ’cause I thought maybe I could make six figures in commissions,” Sean recalls.

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“I found Airbnb as an accident,” Sean admits.

“Because I went homeless in 2009, going broke as a sales manager in Houston. It was not a good time to be in business, a lot of people lost their jobs.”

“And so I lived out of a van, and then with a girlfriend, and then eventually started my own business in 2010, selling newspaper subscriptions again.”

“And so I had enough experience as a business owner that when I tripped over Airbnb, I was able to make it work.”

“By 2017, I had 10 properties listed on Airbnb. By 2020, I had more than 100.”

So if a poor kid from the Midwest – with nothing going for him and no real estate background – can get into this and be successful at it, why can’t you?

Especially if you’re following Sean’s tried and true blueprint?

Again, it’s just basic arbitrage. Buy low, sell high.

Only, in this case, it’s rent low, rent high, right?

Like say you have a studio apartment you rent from a landlord for $1,600 a month. You furnish it, list it on Airbnb, and end up making $4,000 a month in revenue.

Well, what’s $4,000 minus $1,600? A net profit of $2,400 a month, isn’t it?

You can do this with single family homes or apartment complexes, but Sean prefers apartments because you can get multiple units at a time and so it’s way better for scale.

So it comes down to pitching the landlord, sourcing furniture, nailing interior design, taking good photos, optimizing your Airbnb listing, taking good care of people, getting good reviews, and rinsing and repeating from there.

Want Sean’s help with all the above?

Apply for his Million Dollar Renter coaching program.

He doesn’t say what it costs, but the dude’s clearly qualified to mentor you.

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