Cody Sperber has the fastest way for you to get your first wholesale profit check. It involves partnering with him. Locking arms and doing deals together.
You’ll be the deal finder, he’ll be the actual wholesaler, and you’ll chop the profits. He’ll train you up, give you the software and tools you’ll need, turn ya loose. Once you find a potential deal, you’ll bring it to him, and he’ll get it over the finish line.
What else do you need to know? Read on for my Do Deal With Me review.
“It took me about 13, 14 months before I got my first wholesale deal on my own,” Cody recalls.
“Most of the time, when I team up with my students, we’re able to get there in 30, maybe 45 days. Okay? And that’s if you’re really hustling and I’m working hard and we both get at it.”
“And by the way, as the market’s shifting right now, it’s getting easier to wholesale. As we move from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market, it’s much easier to get wholesale deals under contract.”
“So on your end, it really comes down to you putting in energy,” Mr. Clever Investor explains. “Marketing energy. Trying to identify sellers that are motivated, right?”
“So the key to this whole thing is finding motivated sellers. People that are interested in getting cash quickly; maybe they don’t have a lot of savings; maybe they don’t have access to any money; maybe their friends or family are like, ‘Look, I’m not lending you any more money.'”
“But they have a house. And there’s equity trapped in their house. We have to find these folks,” Cody says.
Okay, how? There’s lots of ways, but his favorite is just to do it online, through software. Which, remember, he’s actually gonna give you as part of this “incredible offer” he put together. That software has every homeowner in the United States. You run a little search, right from your laptop.
And you’re looking for high-equity houses or free and clear properties or vacant properties or people who’re in tough spots like pre-foreclosure or tax delinquency or they just got a divorce or someone died, right?

Or, there’s always direct mail if you’ve got a bit of a marketing budget.
There’s pay per click campaigns.
You can rank videos or blogs or websites in Google for terms like “how do I sell my house without a realtor” or “how do I sell my house fast for cash” or “sell my house fast [city].”
So many different ways to get leads, both online and off.
But yeah, you want someone who’s willing to walk away from their property, for significantly less than what it would be worth after repairs and whatnot, because they just wanna get a check and move on.
You’d be surprised, Cody says. It’s not uncommon for there to be a $100k spread on some of these deals. Meaning, the difference between what they’ll sell it to you for and what it’ll go for after it’s all spruced up.
And that significant margin is what allows you and Cody, as wholesalers, to flip the contract to a landlord or investor for a nice profit, and let them handle the renovations and assume the risk to maybe make even more on it down the road.
And all parties (hopefully) get what they want outta the deal.
Worried you won’t be able to find any of these? Or figure out how much equity’s in ’em? Or be able to comp ’em properly? Or go back and forth with the seller? Or maybe you’re concerned you’ll unknowingly do something illegal – like what forms do you need and what do they even mean and who’s signing where, right?
Fear not, Cody’s Do Deals With Me has you covered like a Pottery Barn faux fur blanket.
Cost is $97, but there’s probably upsells after that.
Either way, I wouldn’t wanna pay Cody for the privilege of being his workhorse.