Wholesaling Inc Review


Brent Daniels is the face of Wholesaling Inc, a company that sells courses and coaching for both novice and experienced wholesalers who wanna make enough money to drive a Range Rover or better, I’m guessing.

But wholesaling’s complicated, right? There’s so much conflicting information out there. You go down the YouTube rabbit hole, you binge-listen to podcasts. One dude says this, another chick says that. Who to listen to? Where to start?

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Well, Brent, aka Mr. TTP (as in Talk To People), can relate. Not all that long ago he was a struggling real estate agent, literally walking through neighborhoods in downtown Phoenix, knocking on doors, trying to get listings.

And it worked. He got a few, found an investor to buy ’em, made like $10-, $15,000 over the next few months. Not bad.

Until he saw what his investor buddy had made: $92 Gs on those same deals. Turns out, he had flipped the contracts at huge markups, and made way more doing way less.

“And that’s when the light bulb went off,” Brent recalls. “I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, what is this?’ And he’s like, ‘Yeah, it’s called wholesaling.’ And it changed my life. Forever.”

“And it can change yours too. It’s the simplest way to be a business owner and then get into investing so you can create that cash flow that we’re all after, right?”

“But right now, you probably feel like you’re on an island all by yourself. You’re frustrated and confused and overwhelmed. Just… stuck. I know ’cause I was there.”

“But then I found a mentor,” Brent continues. “I found a guy that got me unstuck, who showed me the path. He didn’t educate me. He told me exactly what to do, step-by-step. And that is when everything clicked.”

“And literally, I am telling you, wholesaling changed my life forever. I mean, I was broke. Beyond broke. I was riding a bicycle because I couldn’t afford to fix my car. I had a huge $700,000 judgement against me. [Wait, what? What’d you do, bro?] And I went from that to exploding my wholesaling business.”

Ugly House For Sale
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And now, of course, Brent wants to help you do the same. He wants to take whatever’s holding you back, slide it on a skewer, grill it over an open flame, and feed it to your enemy with a side of hummus and rice.

“I wanna give you a proven system,” he says, “a blueprint that I have taught to over 2,000 people around the country.”

“But the first step has to come from you, right? So if you’re serious about your wholesaling business, if you’ve got that fire in your belly to succeed, then you need to book a call with my team.”

Word on the street is that Wholesaling Inc Mentorship costs $5,000.

Is it worth it?

Terone, from Cali, thinks so. “I joined the program a little under 60 days ago,” he said in his testimonial video.

“And in that time, we’ve been able to implement everything we’ve learned from the TTP program. And it’s resulted in us wholesaling four or five deals in that time frame,” he added.

Then there was Justin, from Texas, who reportedly closed eight deals in his first few months after enrolling. He said, “It’s been absolutely incredible, man.”

Jasper, from North Carolina, said, “After following Brent’s instruction, I was able to close my first deal about a month into the course. I closed my second deal about a week after that first one. And in those two combined, I made more money than I had made all year at my job waiting tables.”

So yeah, looks like members are getting good results. If you want premium courses, one-on-one coaching with Brent, daily Zoom meetings, and their members-only community, you know the drill.

Schedule your call at WholesalingInc.com.

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