Justin Colby Review

Science Of Flipping

Real estate investor Justin Colby made $59k wholesaling last week. Care to join him? He says you can get results like that in any city, any market, whether you live there or not.

He’s consistently doing deals in seven different cities (in five different states) right now.

So whether you’re looking to do your first ever wholesale deal or scale up what you’ve already got going, he’s happy to teach you his exact system that produces 20+ new deals a month in his own business.

Read on for my Justin Colby review.

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Not that long ago, Justin Colby was broke, busted and disgusted.

His shiny degree from UCLA (which he spent $100k on) wasn’t doing him much good. In fact, he was sleeping on a buddy’s couch.

Justin had to beg another friend for a loan just to get started in real estate.

Roughly 1,800 deals later, you could say he’s got real estate investing down to a science. Hence his brand: The Science Of Flipping.

If Justin’s journey taught him one thing, it’s this: there’s no quote-unquote success secret when it comes to real estate.

No book or course or seminar or coach has some little-known tactic that’s gonna transform your wholesaling business overnight.

Nope. The key to unlocking dozens of deals a month, every month, no matter what the market’s doing, is to find a proven blueprint and follow it. Actually go out and execute on each step. That’s it.

And yeah, the game has changed. It’s more competitive. There’s more sophistication. But the deals are out there. Justin and his team are doing more than 20 a month.

Now, contrary to what you may have heard, wholesaling is 100% legal and ethical, assuming you do it right.

Anyone can do it from anywhere and you don’t need any special degree or license.

Justin would argue it’s also a vehicle for long-term wealth, even though most don’t see it that way. That’s because it can help you leave your day job – all you need is a couple deals a month.

It introduces you to movers and shakers and other ways of building residual income through real estate.

So it’s a great place to start.

Justin Texting
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But the old way of learning too much, spending too much, wasting too much time on trial and error, all to maybe do a deal here and there… where, if you’re lucky, you might pocket a few grand? Yeah, that’s not gonna cut it.

The new way, Justin says, is where it’s at.

You skip all the nonsense, you follow a proven process, get consistent results without wasting any time or money, you double your profitability, scale up, and love life.

That’s what he teaches his students.

And he’s big on starting you out with free methods of finding and closing deals.

Whereas, most gurus teach the opposite: they tell you to start throwing money at Facebook ads and funnels and all that jazz.

Pretty soon you need to do $50k a month just to make a few bucks.

Justin would rather see you network, drive for dollars, build relationships with realtors, work social media, do whatever you can to make things happen without coming out of pocket.

From there, he can mentor you on negotiation, sales, systems, hiring, and growth.

You can register for your free Science Of Flipping Insider account to learn more about Justin’s methods, or you can book a TSOF Advisor call and speak with someone on his team about his paid coaching program.

He didn’t mention how much it costs but I’m sure it’s not cheap.

What I like about Justin is he clearly walks the walk; something that’s unfortunately not all that common anymore.

Most real estate gurus are too busy launching their next challenge or course or workshop to actually do any deals.

Not Justin Colby.

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