Clients On Automation founder Ed J C Smith has a book – well, a digital download – he’d like ya to get your eager mitts on.
It’s called Coaching Business Secrets. Inside, you’ll find a step by step guide to making $100k per month as a coach.
Because right now, your offer’s not landing, is it? Your marketing’s off. You’re not collecting enough email addresses and phone numbers. Which means your lead flow’s on the fritz.
Relax. Little Red Riding Hood here has you covered.
Or maybe your leads are decent but it’s your sales process that’s all busted up. Or, maybe you’re getting some sales but delivery’s taking up too much time. Whatever the case, the solution’s probably in this book.
“So what I do in Coaching Business Secrets,” Ed says, “is I fix your offer so that your niche and your message works. So that you’re calling out your ideal client. So that you’re calling out the ideal client problem. And we show you how to automate the lead flow.”
“That way,” he continues, “you don’t have to be on every single social media channel. If you’re on every single social media channel, you’re gonna get overwhelmed. That’s the reason why most never get beyond seven figures in their online coaching and consultancy business.”
“Number two, we’re gonna show you how to fix your sales process so that you can hit $10k, $20k, $30k months.”
“Number three, how to deliver that so you get great client results, which you’ll leverage to attract even more dream clients over time.”
In his best guru voice, Ed claims he used to retail Coaching Business Secrets for $500, but today you can get it for 98% off: or just $7.
I’ll keep that in mind for my next tall tale competition. Anyhoo.
Included with your oder is:
- The 86-page digital book
- A $100k in 30 days action plan
- The Secret Webinar Formula
- Group Coaching Secrets
- Case studies ranging from one student who did $28k from a single webinar, to another dude, Jonny, who’s now built a seven figure business thanks to Ed
- As well as a clonable funnel
I’m not gonna pull any punches here…

It’s a lot of stuff for $7. And there’s a 30-day money back guarantee. So on paper, it’s a no-brainer.
But do I think you’ll be swimming in a pool of cash, dating a supermodel and driving a whip that costs more than my house after you go through everything? I do not.
And if you think Ed only wants $7 from you, you’re as pure as the driven snow. All this funnel is, is a way for him to recoup his ad spend so he can sell ya what he really wants to sell ya: Clients On Automation, which likely costs $5- to $10k or more.
Does that make Ed a bad guy? No. Just because I can’t stand these “ascension funnels” doesn’t mean they’re not as routine as a clock’s tick-tock in this industry.
And he has convinced quite a few people to get on camera and say nice things about him.
For example, Karen, who just had a $15k month, said, “I think for me, it’s just a mindset shift. I feel like I’ve always been worth more money but it’s like accepting that I am is super hard. And having a community in the COA has made that shift for me.”
Meryem, who did over $111k in her first six months, said, “Ed, you’ve coached me and pushed me when I had resistance. And even just observing you on the group calls has been a massive learning experience and has allowed me to grow. Thank you for being such a cool human. And special shout-out to the COA Fam for your love, support, friendships, and laughter. It’s made the journey so much more fun!”
Overall, seems like Ed takes care of anyone who buys from him.