Sarah Chrisp runs the super popular Wholesale Ted YouTube channel, where she talks about side hustles and ways to make money online.
Unlike the gurus, who hijack your attention with Lambos and Ferraris and mega mansions, Sarah’s much more down to earth; she prefers saving her money and investing it back into digital assets that make her even more money, passively.
Her business journey began at age 15, when she got her first job as a “grocery girl.”
“I hated it,” she recalls. “Not only was it boring, but, yes, it was exploitative.”
“They’d make us work unpaid overtime every day for fear of getting fired.”
“Every day my boss would yell at me. Sometimes it even made me cry.”
“But I’m not even mad at her because now that I’m older I realize that the only reason why she did this was because she hated her job too,” Sarah says.
“And I could see that everyone else at the supermarket also hated their jobs. I remember thinking, ‘Is this what adult life is like?'”
So Sarah started researching side gigs, and eventually had an ah-ha moment.
See, she lived in New Zealand, which is an isolated island with only 5 million people on it.
Video game companies like Nintendo knew that if they charged New Zealanders higher prices, there was nothing they could do about it, right?
So like, a Nintendo DS game that sold for $30 in America might cost them $80.
Sucky, but therein lied the opportunity.
“I opened an online store and imported secondhand U.S. video games from mom and pop video shops,” Sarah says, “and would resell them in New Zealand for double the price.”
“And I started having big sales days. $100. $200. Sometimes even $300 a day.”
“It was awesome, I was making way more than I did at my job, but I got sick of running to the post office to mail out each individual order before returning home to email the customer their tracking code,” Sarah explains.

So she went on a quest to take what was working in her ecom business, but find ways to run it much more passively.
It was a long, bumpy road, but she finally arrived.
Now she teaches two streamlined strategies in her course, The Ecomm Clubhouse.
- Print on demand (POD)
- And Shopify dropshipping
With print on demand, obviously, it’s cool because you have creative control.
However, due to the customizations, margins tend to be smaller.
So that’s where dropshipping shines.
“I am extremely grateful that I now know these different product sourcing techniques,” Sarah says.
“And I’m no longer chained to my desk or stuck at home having to package and ship items out to customers manually.”
“Now I can sustainably sell awesome products around the world, for a profit, to a global audience.”
“And I can do it from literally anywhere in the world, even in the middle of the Sahara desert.”
“Because, thanks to these apps and strategies, the biz runs semi-passively.”
And, in Sarah’s opinion, that’s the definition of true wealth.
Her over-the-shoulder video course can show you how to follow suit.
It’s got all the info she wishes she had back in her grocery-bagging days.
The Ecom Clubhouse is a Shopify Education Partner-Approved course, too, so you know it’s legit.
You’ll learn:
- How to pick an audience
- How to set up a Shopify store
- How to list items
- How to get free search engine traffic
- How to run Facebook ads
- And a whole lot more
Cost is $67 a month. Cancel anytime.
Great offer, honestly.