Chris Jefferson is an OG real estate investor out of Virginia. He actually dropped outta college and started in ’08. Cool timing, right? But despite the market crashing harder than Windows 10, Chris was able to survive and eventually thrive.
He got into wholesaling, fix and flips, new construction, apartments, then back to wholesaling – his bread and butter.
By 2012, he had become a millionaire.
At StartFlippingDeals.com, he now teaches others how to wholesale.
“What’s driving me is making sure that I’m pushing myself to be the best,” Chris says. “It’s not in comparison to anybody else, but it’s my own internal fight, my own internal challenge. Ya know, how can I push myself on a daily basis to get better?”
“So my goals right now are to really build my wholesale business, build my fix and flip business, build my coaching business. I want to make as much money as possible,” he continues.
“But what I’ve learned is, mindset is everything. I’m just trying to push myself to do great things.”
“Two years ago,” he recalls, “I went to see this art exhibit. And it was to honor this family in Richmond that had created a beautiful legacy. And it really gave me the understanding in the moment that legacy is not built around money. Legacy is really built around impact, and like, have you been of service to others?”
“One of my students launched their own coaching program the other day. I wasn’t bothered. The true testament of a legacy is, have any of your students gone farther than you? What better way to have impact than to teach somebody and have ’em surpass you one day? Or have multiple people that you’ve taught go on to do even greater things than you?”
“So that’s just been kind of that motivating factor on a daily basis.”
“And yet, I’ve got that competitive edge too. So if you wanna catch me, you better be ready to work. Because I’m gonna push you to your best, right? I’m not letting up. I’m doing everything that I can. So you gotta rise to the occasion too,” Chris preaches.

What advice does he have for newbie real estate investors? Move faster. That’s what he’d tell his younger self.
And what he means by that is, speed of implementation is key. Because you can watch every YouTube video about wholesaling, you can get a phone script, you can chat with people on BiggerPockets all day, but if you never really put any of it into action? Nothing’s gonna happen.
Or maybe you do a little here and there, and have some success, but nowhere near the level that you could have.
“A lot of people, they drag their feet on stuff,” Chris says. “‘Ah, I think I’m gonna join Charged Up. Ah, I dunno. Ah, maybe. I’m gonna wait for this paycheck.’ And it’s like, yo, if you wanna be great, if you wanna have the ideal life that you say that you want, you gotta move with speed.”
“Moving without speed, man, you lose a lot of time. See, we think time is slow. But time is actually moving crazy fast. You need to recognize that and always move with speed to get to where you’re trying to go.”
Charged Up University, aka The U, comes with everything you need to start, grow, and scale your wholesaling business:
- Step-by-step training
- Access to exclusive content
- Personalized coaching
- VIP membership to an accountability group
- A behind-the-scenes look at Chris’s multi-seven-figure REI biz
- Live cold call trainings
- A cash buyer list for your market
- And a whole lot more
Cost is $97 per month or $997 for lifetime access.
There may be more expensive mentoring he tries to upsell you after that.