Tan Choudhury has a Dropshipping Millionaire Coaching Program, a hard last name to pronounce and a quirky voice. What’s his deal?
Apparently his dad’s an immigrant from Bangladesh. Mom’s side of the family was Holocaust survivors.
When they got a divorce, young Tan began spiraling out of control. He started drinking and smoking weed with his friends all the time. At age 14, a police officer saw him walking around buzzed and arrested him but not before busting up his face.
The next three years his parents bounced him around from school to school. He was still abusing drugs and acting a fool.
It culminated with him dropping out entirely. Dad was super happy about that.
But Tan was determined to show him what time it was. His first side hustle was buying cheap electronics from China and flipping ’em for 5x profit here in the States.
He made some money doing this but not nearly enough.
So he applied to a bunch of different jobs and ended up getting a sales gig for this ladder company.
That went pretty well. Tan quickly became one of the top salespeople, which gave him some much needed confidence.
He added in pizza delivery gigs at night and some odd jobs here and there until he had enough to move into his own apartment.
Around this time he had also started collecting glass artwork as a hobby.
But then he thought, hmm, wonder if I could flip this stuff? Turns out, he could. He built up a following on Instagram and had no issue reselling these little glass sculptures for a small profit.
Then he got smarter. He started buying all kinds of artwork at wholesale prices directly from the artists themselves. Then he’d mark it up – to whatever retail price he decided on – and pocket the difference.
Six months later, Tan had done more than $100,000 in sales.
He quit all of his jobs and went all in on his business.
His friend helped him set up a website for it. Once Tan got a taste of online marketing, he developed an insatiable appetite for success. As far as he was concerned, the sky was the limit.

It wasn’t long before Tan discovered dropshipping.
His first crack at it was promoting these poop emoji pillows (of all things) that he had found on AliExpress.
He made a few sales but realized he needed a better product if this was gonna go anywhere.
Then he found this cool necklace. It was like a blinged-out machine gun with fake diamonds obviously. But still cool.
So he hit up this meme page on Instagram, paid the guy $30 to give it a shout-out, and whaddya know, by the end of the day he’d made $240 back.
Next, Tan did what any rational person would do. He doubled down.
Found more meme accounts, placed more sponsored ads, made more sales. It got to where he was spending $100 to $200 a day, making a minimum of 3x return.
Kept on going. Soon, he was paying legit influencers (with much bigger followings than these meme pages) as much as $3,000 for a single post. But hey, it was working.
Tan’s best day for that necklace was like $23,000 in profit. Not bad for a high school dropout, huh?
When Tan grew tired of constantly reaching out to these Instagram influencers, he pivoted to Facebook ads.
Those were even better – more consistent, more scalable.
By age 21, he had his first $100k profit month.
But he was working nonstop and losing passion for it, so he sold it for a multiple 6-figure exit.
Since then he’s had a number of other ecommerce projects that have collectively done more than $1 million in sales. Great underdog story.
Not sure what it costs, but submit an app if you want his mentorship.