Chelsea Guarriello Reviews


Chelsea Guarriello made six figures in six months with a simple Shopify store. But only after wasting thousands of dollars and countless hours on outdated strategies and mentorship.

Now that she’s cracked the code to dropshipping, she can teach you how to sell low cost, red-hot products for supersized paydays, without having to buy the product first, or even see it in person for that matter.

So if you’d like to make money while you sleep, and be free to live your best life, read on for my Chelsea Guarriello review.

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Chelsea Guarriello is the founder of HG Marketing, LLC and the creator of the best dropshipping course, Pennies 2 Gold.

Her specialty is helping motivated women quit their jobs and earn a good living online with dropshipping, so they can spend their days making memories instead of being locked away in a cubicle or whatever.

Chelsea launched her first dropshipping business when her man came home from prison four years ago.

It was a dark and scary time for both of them, not knowing how they’d put food on the table.

She’s got three secrets to starting your own Shopify dropshipping business, without any experience or inventory whatsoever.

How it works is, you’ll make the sale, pass the order on to a third-party supplier, and they’ll ship it straight to the customer on your behalf.

Pretty cool, right?

It’s ecom minus the headaches and hassles of storing inventory, packaging, labeling, shipping, tracking, and all that stuff.

Anyways, guess what Chelsea’s first-ever winning product was?

A cute little “Mama Bear” necklace with baby bear cutouts.

She got it from a supplier for like $0.80 apiece and listed it on her Shopify site for $16.

Huge markup, right?

And again, her only job was to market and make the sale. The manufacturer took it from there.

Two years and $250k in sales later, Chelsea had learned a thing or two.

Secret one?

You do not have to invest in a bulk order from China to sell products in your store.

This means you can get started with dropshipping for a lot less money, and keep your overhead (and thus, your risk) super low.

Chelsea Guarriello Jet Ski
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Secret two?

Anyone can build an online store from scratch, even if you’re not a computer nerd.

Shopify makes it drag-and-drop easy.

And if that’s too much for ya, you can always hire someone off Fiverr or Upwork, for pennies on the dollar, and get them to help you out.

You’d be surprised at how many Shopify stores you’ve been on, and maybe even ordered from, without even knowing it.

  • PrettyLittleThing
  • Fashion Nova
  • ColourPop
  • And the list goes on

Okay, cool, but how’ll you make sales, right?

Well that’s secret three.

Chelsea can help you overcome your biggest fear, which is often a lack of support from your friends and family.

And she does that by making sure you get sales, early and often, to prove this isn’t just some pie in the sky idea.

There are three ways she does this.

  1. By running targeted Facebook and Instagram ads.
  2. By using micro influencers to send traffic to your store.
  3. And by implementing organic sales strategies and growth hacks to get your store the attention it deserves.

Those three secrets allowed Chelsea to create four different six-figure companies in under three years.

Now she’s teaching others how to follow in her footsteps.

Pennies 2 Gold is a seven-week online course chock-full of juicy dropshipping tips and tactics.

It’s got everything you need to begin making money with your own Shopify dropshipping store the same week you graduate.

The retail price of Pennies To Gold is $4,000, but you can sneak in the backdoor and get it for half off if you go through Chelsea’s funnel.

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