Fund Launch Secrets Review


Bridger Pennington is the founder of Black Bridge Capital, a privately run debt fund that’s done over 225 deals in 38 states just in the last two years alone.

He’s also the guy behind Fund Launch Secrets, an e-learning company that teaches ya how to scale businesses and assets to 7-, 8-, and even 9-figures using a fund.

That seems so fancy though. Do I have to wear a suit and tie and get an office building and hire a buncha employees to look the part, or what’s the deal?

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Not necessarily, says Bridger, who probably grew up playing lacrosse.

“I started two investment funds in my 20s and I’m looking to launch a third fund right now. I have a dad who’s a cofounder of a deca-billion dollar family of real estate funds,” Bridger admits.

I’m surprised I can understand him with that silver spoon in his mouth.

But he swears daddy never invested in any of his deals or projects. Right, but if he handed you his rolodex and had his lawyer set everything up for ya, what’s the difference?

“And I’ve got a brother who’s a securities attorney, former chief compliance officer at an $800 million dollar real estate fund, and just launched his own fund as well,” Bridger adds.

“And no one else out there helps people like we do to launch, start and scale their own investment funds,” he continues.

“Whether it’s business owners looking to scale their business, investors looking to scale their portfolios, nobody has helped more people do this.”

Bridger isn’t saying any of this to brag.

It’s just that he’s helped real people to get real results and he and his privileged family know this stuff inside and out.

Cleary, though, if you’re sitting at home in sweats, looking for a side hustle to start, this ain’t for you.

It’s for serious, established entrepreneurs – who’ve already got something going – and wanna leverage a fund to grow it exponentially faster. Be it Amazon, almond farms, real estate, venture capital, SBA loans – whatever it is, their fund launch method can help.

Investment Fund Secrets
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But what is a fund, exactly?

It’s a pool of money investors contribute to, and then you, the fund manager, can draw from that pool to invest with, right?

And any gains go back into the fund, to be split between you and the investors.

So the only difference between a debt fund and a private equity fund and a hedge fund, for instance, is what the money’s invested into.

Now, contrary to what you might think, you don’t need to start with hundreds of millions of dollars. Even just $20,000 or $30,000 (total, from all investors) can get the ball rolling.

“Again,” Bridger says, “the beautiful thing about funds is the ability to scale.”

“It’s the most lucrative business model on the planet. But because every fund is different – there’s no cookie-cutter strategy – we need to hop on a call with you and go through your fund or your idea, specifically.”

“Drill down to your niche, your location, what you’re thinking, and give you exact details for your fund specifically. How to find the right deals, the right team, how to raise money and find investors and bring everything together,” Bridger explains.

Then you can join their Fund Launch Mastermind, which has:

  • 220 videos
  • 24+ hours of content
  • Niched-down courses
  • Templates
  • Legal docs
  • And more

Or become a Black Card member, which is their in-depth Fund Launch Service and Coaching Program, and includes:

  • 1-on-1 support
  • Access to an exclusive network of fund managers
  • Done-for-you legal work
  • And so much more

I see pricing on their website ranging from $4,997 to $9,997, depending on what you go with.

This is all so beyond me, I’d need a telescope to spot the relevance.

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