Stacey Boehman is a Master Certified life and business coach. Her focus these days is on helping other life coaches make more money.
She’s come a long way from selling cell phones in college, then mops at Walmart.
As of today, she’s done close to $20 million in sales.
“The secret, if you wanna make a lot of money,” she says, “is you choose your offer wisely, of course, but the secret sauce is being willing to sell yourself on your offer so deeply that there are no more objections in your mind.”
“When you do that,” Stacey continues, “you’ll stop getting ’em [objections, that is] from other people.”
“So you need to ask yourself, why do I love this offer? Why do I think it’s amazing? How do I know it’s the right thing for my people? What is in it for them? What’s the value for them? Is the value a no-brainer for them? How so?”
“And answering all of these questions, right? Like why will this be revolutionary for them? Why will it change their life? What are their objections and how do I address them in my own thoughts?”
When Stacey goes through this process herself, she gets so clear, so certain about it, that she can then communicate it and sell it with a different level of energy.
It hits different, as they say.
And that’s all people need in order to say yes and buy, is they need to know that whatever they’re getting is gonna be worth the money they spent and they’re gonna have a great experience.
So whatever resistance you have in your own mind about your offer, you gotta chip away at that until it’s completely gone.
From there, all of your messaging needs to be you talking to your best client.
So many life coaches spend their time arguing with the people who don’t want what they have.
Imagine there’s 100 people who come across your stuff. Maybe 10 will be picking up what you’re putting down.
The other 90, for all sorts of different reasons, are not interested. Naturally, most people will go after them. Because 90 is much bigger than 10, and because, duh, they’re just not getting it, so I need to help ’em see it my way. Right?

But the more profitable approach, Stacey says, is to train your brain to only see those 10 people who’re already vibin’ with you. Expand your awareness to those 10 people to where it feels like they’re the only ones seeing your posts, your videos, your emails, your sales materials.
You only speak to them. You only create things for them. They become your entire reality.
Stacey learned this back in her Walmart-mop-selling days. If she catered to the hecklers standing in the back with their arms folded, she got nowhere. When she zoned in on the folks nodding their heads in agreement, she crushed it.
Another tip Stacey gives is to allow yourself as much time as it takes.
Maybe you do a couple of launches and they both bomb. Cool. Don’t be entitled, like, oh my gawd, I should totally be making $50k a month by now.
You’ve given it a month. Relax.
Are you willing to give it another year? How ’bout three years? You have to start thinking longer term.
For example, a little while back, Stacey raised the price of one of her programs from $10k to $25k.
It took her four months just to work through one thought that was holding her back. “Nobody’s gonna be able to afford this!” Four months. To deal with just that one thought. Are you willing to do the same?
If so, Stacey’s got two ways she can help you.
The first is her 2k For 2k course. Inside, she’ll walk you through picking out your niche, coming up with an offer, deciding on pricing, then landing your first few clients. Cost is $2k. If you don’t earn at least $2k, you’ll get your money back.
For life coaches who’re further along, she sells a 200k Mastermind. Cost for that is $25k, as mentioned earlier. But once again, if you don’t make at least that much, you’ll get your entire $25k investment back.