Simon McFadyen, along with his buddies, students and private clients, are all making 5-25% returns per month, per week, and per day using a little, secret, automated crypto trading strategy called algorithmic quantitative trading. Damn, that’s a lot of syllables.
“If you’re someone who wants to make money passively,” he says, “without needing any trading experience or having to do a thing, listen up. I’ve already helped over 300 people start escaping their 9-5 jobs.”
“How?” he says. “By creating a passive income portfolio that allows them to retire early. I’ve helped my clients make as much as 15% in 7 days. And 22% in 30 days. And I’ve even traded $180,000 of my own money using this same strategy, live on my YouTube channel for the whole world to see.”
“So how am I able to help my clients do this? Simple. With automated crypto trading bots. Crypto trading bots are the best way for everyday professionals to create passive income for themselves.”
And you don’t need to know anything about the traditional stock market or the crypto market, according to Simon and his man bun.
Look, he gets it. He worked a miserable 9-5 as a consultant. Then tried ecom, Shopify, Amazon FBA, and a handful of other online side hustles. So he’s speaking from experience when he says that true passive income, without babysitting employees or being glued to your computer all day, is next to impossible.
Or at least it was until he cracked the code to crypto bots.
“Even if you hold traditional stocks or crypto,” he says, “if you’re not using automated crypto trading bots – that, once set up, continue to make money even if you’re working a 9-5 – then you’re missing out on a massive opportunity.”
“There is no other way that I know of that can make between 5-25% returns per month, on your money, passively and automatically.”
“And yes, that’s whether the market goes up, down, or sideways.”
“Again, without doing a single thing yourself.”
Too good to be true? Scroll down, read on.

You don’t need to be a Bitcoin whale to get into this, says Simon Hasselhoff over there.
He’s developed a simple and proven strategy to piggyback off crypto bots to grow your money consistently regardless of what you’re starting with or what the market’s doing. Alright?
So don’t be that person who rolls their eyes at this and goes: yeah, well, if it worked so well, I woulda heard about it by now; and everybody’d be doing it already. A closed mind is exactly why that is.
But there is a catch: Simon has a course to sell you.
Bitsgap Accelerator is your shortcut to the lessons Simon’s learned by investing $180 Gs, making over $25k worth of mistakes, $43k worth of profit, and running and testing over 423 bots.
Save time and money, cut through the noise, model what’s working right now.
You log in, watch the videos, follow the steps, use the tools and templates provided. If you get stuck, ask questions in the private community or on the twice weekly Q&A coaching calls.
Unfortunately, it’s one of those book-a-call-to-find-out-what-it-costs funnels.
Hmm. I feel like my inner skeptic’s pointing to a blinking neon sign that says Don’t Do It.
But then again, Simon does have some people who’re vouching for him.
For example, there’s Chris S., who said: “Simon’s done an excellent job of showing us a consistent way to turn over profits using cryptocurrency. I’m consistently returning a month-on-month profit of anywhere between 15-20%, which I think is phenomenal! This is an absolute game changer.”
I’ll have to take his word for it. Still a hard no for me.