Jeremy Bishop is the owner of Vhault32, a marketing agency that specializes in brand development. He claims he makes six-figures a month from social media without content, ads, or complicated funnels.
Ironically enough, I found him through a Facebook ad and now I’m in his funnel, watching content. Hmm.
All it takes is three simple steps (kill me now) and a free Instagram account. You don’t need any experience or even a product or service of your own.
“This is using a new method I call Social Relationship System,” Jeremy says. “And it’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard before.”
Definitely, and I’m a pirate searching for buried treasure.
“So, real quick, let’s go over the only three steps that you will ever need to generate thousands in sales on Instagram and build a successful brand, okay?” he continues.
“The first step is to build authority on your Instagram account without needing to wait years to reach over 100,000 followers.”
Sure, Jerm, whatever you say. What’s step two?
“The second step,” he explains, “is to find your target audience without spending a ton of money on ads and all that complicated stuff.”
“And the third and final step? Is using the perfect scripts to sell your products and services to complete strangers with ease.”
“And if you can do these three things, you can make a lot of money online,” he promises. “All of my clients that have gotten amazing results have followed this exact same blueprint. And you’re probably thinking that there’s no way it could be that easy.”
“But trust me, you can do this. And it doesn’t have to take long. In a short period of time, you can take your brand and business to the next level.”
“The things I’m going to show you weren’t even possible until just recently.”
“And once I finally mastered these three simple steps, I was able to start my own company, I stopped stressing about where my next lead was coming from, and was able to have a new, consistent flow of prospects and finally be in control of my business and my life,” Jeremy says.

Now’s the time to pounce on this strategy. There are roughly 2 billion people on Instagram. And 90% of people buy from brands they follow on social media.
But it’s still early in the game. Plenty of time left to capitalize on this exponential trend, Jeremy says, talking to us like we’re third graders.
He then tells a story about how, in his first business venture, he got the opportunity to sell products all over the world, generating millions in sales, but three years later it got shut down.
Ah, sooo, pyramid scheme? Noted.
Anyways, J-Dawg pivoted to agency work. Struggled at first. Did all the things you were supposed to do. Post content, post content, post content, pitch, pitch, pitch, beg, beg, beg. Got nowhere.
Developed his (much simpler) Social Relationship System – out of pure necessity.
Began snappin’ necks and cashin’ checks. Made $21k in a single day.
But the more he talks about his method, the less appealing it sounds.
- Create a customer avatar. Spend hours each day connecting with and DM’ing anyone who fits the bill.
- Go back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and hopefully get ’em on a call at some point.
- Spend an hour and a half trying to sell ’em some consulting package, only to have ’em tell ya they wanna sleep on it before ghosting you, and then repeat.
- It’s a numbers game.
- Eventually someone will buy, right?
Ugh. Count me out. I make buyers come to me.
Besides, I couldn’t listen to Jeremy a minute longer. It was like he was imitating Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC. Brutal.