Billy Gene Is Marketing, so of course he’s hopping on the latest trend: TikTok. And, being the geneius that he is, he’s getting paid to figure it out. sells a 30-day TikTok Challenge you can join for $33. Plus or minus a $69 All Access Pass, where you can ask him and his team questions, directly, at the end of each live training session.
And I’m guessing there’s more upsells where that came from. ‘Cause, ya know, flying private ain’t cheap.
Here’s the deal.
Billy’s giving himself 10 weeks to get 10,000 followers on TikTok, and then start turning ’em into paying customers.
How come?
Well, the platform’s evolved. It’s no longer just your nieces and nephews doing stupid dances; now you and your friends (aka adults with money) are on there as well, aren’t you?
Like it or not, TikTok’s now the fastest-growing social media app in history.
So if you’re someone who uses the internet to make money, it would be wise to learn how to market on TikTok.
And who better to teach you than Billy? Especially when he’s connected to some of the top TikTokers on the planet?
In fact, Billy’s paying three of ’em to guide him. He’ll do exactly what they say and document the results.
Every Monday at 12 p.m. PST, Billy will go live and update you on his progress. Catch the recordings if you can’t make it live.
He’ll also dump you into a private Facebook group with everyone else who bought Billy Gene’s TikTok Challenge.
No twerking or pranks; he’s trying to build a real following of buyers here.
“Internet marketing sucks right now,” Billy says. “You’re scrolling and everyone’s ‘rich.’ But statistically speaking, that’s impossible. So most of ’em are lying.”
“And now you got gurus, which is just anyone who’s visible. Doesn’t matter if they’re good or not. You got thieves disguised as ‘funnel hackers.’ Right? Not to knock anybody, but all they’re doing is stealing other people’s stuff,” he rants.
“So this whole thing is like, I hate internet marketing. I believe in education, I’m passionate about it, but this sport of internet marketing is horrible.”
Choir’s behind you on that one!
Spoiler alert: Billy bludgeons his goal for the challenge. He pulls it off – 10k followers on a new TikTok account – in like 10 days. Even makes $10 Gs while he’s at it.
No surprise there. But what’d he learn?
“Right now,” Billy says, “people are like, ‘Yo, short-form content’s what’s in.’ So that’s what you gotta do today to compete.”
“But be prepared. Sooner or later, some other platform’s gonna come out and say, ‘Holy cow! Medium-length content’s where it’s at.’ Point being, I’m so unattached to what the platform is now.”
“I’m just so objective and unemotional about it,” Billy continues. “And we just simply play by what’s hot. We just follow the trend. So right now, short is hot. Cool, we gonna do some short sh*t.”
“And then it won’t be hot. And then we’ll do some long sh*t.”
“So, at the end of the day, all marketing is is a message to get people to do something you want ’em to do.”
“It’s a message. TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, whatever you wanna call it, is a messen-ger. These messen-gers have different rules.”
“So where we spend all of our time is on our message and our offer. And then the market usually takes care of the rest. You know what I’m sayin’?”
“So what I learned from TikTok is, it’s the same sh*t as anything else; you just have to be more concise.”
“And also, it’s more competitive. You just have to be more entertaining. Like, people are impatient as sh*t on there. *Scroll, scroll, scroll* So that’s the big takeaway.”
“The worst thing anyone can be in business right now is boring,” he ends with.