Trevor Berke Review


Automation Edition founder Trevor Berke sells a $2,000 course that teaches his so-called Money Leverage System.

His ads basically say he stumbled across this new way to make money online.

Nobody’s talking about it.

Yet, it’s a $14 billion dollar industry.

And just about anyone with a pulse can cash in on it using his simple three-step process.

Matter fact, it’s the easiest way to make at least $5k per month in completely passive income.

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Here’s what you need to know.

Number one, there’s a reason he uses mysterious terms like Automation Editions and Money Leverage System.

It’s because if he came right out and told you what it was, you’d roll your eyes and go, “Meh, not interested.”

And then you’d hit Skip ad.

Why? Because it’s old, boring, and you’ve probably already decided against this type of business.

So what is it? Credit repair.

(Told ya.)

Which leads me to point number two. Isn’t that kinda annoying? That he goes outta his way to mislead you?

And then you gotta opt in and suffer through his long webinar just to find out he wants you to start a credit repair business?

That’s two hours of your life you’ll never get back.

And now that he’s got your email, Trevor’s gonna tee off on your inbox. Buy or die, right?

That’s the mindset of these greedy gurus.

Third, Trevor, brah, explain to me how helping people boost their credit score is passive.

You have to market, you have to prospect, you have to consult, sell, serve, deliver on your promise.

And then you have to do it all over again, right?

That’s actually very active.

Far from an automated income stream.

And yeah, there’s chatbots, funnels, virtual assistants. But still. All that takes time and money to set up.

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Fourth, credit repair’s super competitive.

There’s over 80,000 credit repair companies in the U.S. alone.

If you do the math, even though it’s a behemoth market, the average company only brings in approximately $37,000 a year.

And you’re going up against names like Perhaps you’ve heard of them.

To be fair, any good business is gonna have competition. That proves there’s money to be made. But just know, going in, the odds are against you.

Fifth, don’t fall for the whole “you can sell this service to almost anyone because everyone needs a higher credit score” argument.

Yes, millions of people are in bad shape credit-wise, but you gotta understand, a lot of ’em don’t care.

You can go your whole life with bad credit. Many do.

Okay, maybe they can’t get a loan to buy that dream home. Sucks, but they’ll get over it.

And the ones who do wanna fix their credit? Might not have the money to pay you.

Or maybe they don’t trust you. Right?

Like, why not use an established brand as opposed to some stranger who slid into your DMs?

Sixth, overall, it’s just gonna be way harder than Trevor makes it seem.

You can definitely make money doing credit repair.

And I’m sure, down the road, you can streamline it to where it’s at least semi-passive.

So I’m not bashing the business entirely; my beef is with how he’s presenting it.

Not realistic at all.

And don’t take too much comfort in his $5,000 profit guarantee.

There’s stipulations to that – hoops ya gotta jump through in order to collect.

Not that any of this matters. Trevor’s already moved on.

He now sells a course called Remote Automator. Something about getting gurus to pay you thousands of dollars a month to streamline their business.

Dude’s slipperier than a soap bar in jail.

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