Beau Crabill’s channeling his inner Patrick Bateman. Looks as though he’s headed to a fancy restaurant to nibble on tiny overpriced meals.
But anyways.
Beau sells two Amazon courses: Online Retail Mastery (ORM), which teaches you how to sell name brand products on Amazon with no ad spend, no new products, and without creating new listings; and Amazon Marketing Agency (AMA), which teaches you how to get paid to help grow other successful Amazon businesses.
But aren’t “how to make money online” programs usually just scams?
Depends on what you’re looking for, Beau says. I mean, sure, if you’re looking to get rich quick, there are plenty of Amazon automation schemes you can buy into.
But if you’re looking for a course that’ll teach you a set of skills you can use to go out and build a real business, over time, with hard work? Well, that exists too. And that’s what Beau sells.
Truth be told though, he never had any intention of offering courses or coaching when he launched his YouTube channel.
Quite the opposite. He wanted to call out the fake gurus and bogus business models that were running rampant in the Amazon selling space.
Something he knew a thing or two about having been into ecom since he was 12.
But once people started seeing those videos, the’d hit him up, like, Beau, I wanna learn from you.
So he’d upload more explainer-style videos. Wasn’t enough though. Too fragmented.
His subscribers were still going and buying a $2,000 course from Kevin David or an $8,000 course from Tom Wang or whichever charlatan spammed ’em with the most ads, right?
Finally Beau said screw it and put together his own program.
Right away, he saw that people who paid for his information and expertise valued it more, took it more serious, and got much better results.
“The most amount of success stories I’ve had is people who’ve gone through my courses,” Beau says.
“I know people who have been watching my free YouTube videos for years, and there are some success stories that come outta that, but overall, way higher success rate with those who are actually in my paid programs,” he explains.
“Self-education and investing in yourself to learn certain traits, can be massively helpful for your business.”
“But again, it comes back to, you attract what you’re looking for.”

Bottom line, if you’re looking to make some quick and easy money, Beau’s courses are not for you.
What he’s teaching in them goes beyond setting up your own AMZ agency or sourcing brand products inexpensively and selling them for more. You’ll learn:
- Mindsets
- Principles
- Strategies
- Even an understanding of algorithms that’ll carry over into other areas of, not just business, but life in general.
Beau’s catering to actual entrepreneurs with realistic expectations who are thinking long term, rather than, How much can I make this month?
“Something that I think a lot of course makers have an issue with is they do not invest much into customer support,” Beau adds.
“So something we’ve always been really good at, at BeauCrabill.com, is having really good customer support.”
On top of encouraging students to email in their questions and making sure to answer them within 24 hours, they recently added phone support where you can call in and get help whenever you need it.
A level of accessibility that’s rare in this industry.
The last objection you might have before coughing up $1,000 to buy Beau’s Online Retail Mastery course is, can’t you get all the information for free online?
Possibly, but it’s gonna take years and plenty of trial and error to piece it all together and see if it works.
Investing in a course from someone reputable, who practices what they preach, is a much straighter line from A to B.
Does that mean 100% of people who enroll in Beau’s courses will be successful?
Nope. It’s still on you to implement everything he lays out for you.