Thomas Berkley is the founder of ATM Freedom University. He and his team will build you your own ATM business.
It’ll make you as much as $36k per year in passive income, and from there you can scale to 6-figures fairly easily.
You’ll have 4-5 machines in different locations and you can maintain it all in like an hour a month.
No need to find these locations, negotiate with business owners or hem and haw over which ATM to use. Thomas has you covered like a thick beard over a weak chin.
My man spent 10 years in the United States Air Force.
After he got out, he went all in on ATMs. He now makes multiple 6-figures per year doing this.
He’s also trained and built done-for-you ATM businesses for over 500 investors.
But who uses money anymore? Between credit cards, crypto and apps like Venmo, aren’t ATM machines on the verge of becoming obsolete? Maybe, Thomas admits, but we’ve got time.
How long? Research estimates a good 22 years before we potentially go cashless.
Considering Thomas pocketed more than $400k last year from ATMs, if the research is right, there’s still ample opportunity.
Just don’t get the wrong impression. If you’re unemployed, broke and expecting to be where Thomas is at virtually overnight, this isn’t for you. There’s a sizable investment and like all good things, it’s gonna take some time.
But if you’ve got both capital and patience, Thomas’s ATM Freedom Academy could be a great way to diversify your investment portfolio.
- Thomas and company will coach and certify you, making sure you understand this industry inside and out.
- Then they’ll hit up local establishments in your area and sell ’em on why putting an ATM machine in their barber shop, for example, would be a win-win.
- They’ll secure contracts with anyone who’s down.
- Then they’ll deliver, install and program a terminal in each location.
- You can log in to an app on your phone to see how they’re performing, in real time.
- You’ll get paid every 24-48 hours.
What else do you need to know? Scroll down, keep reading.

Won’t these things malfunction every now and then? And don’t they need regular maintenance? And, dumb question, but someone’s gotta refill ’em with money when they get low, right?
Yes, to all the above. But that doesn’t mean it has to be you.
If you like, Thomas will put his people on it. That way, you never have to step foot in any one of your locations.
Oh but it gets better. ‘Cause if they can’t get you any signed contracts within 60 days, you’ll get a full refund. No questions asked. Pretty dope.
Okay Hotshot, but what if a location doesn’t make any money?
If it’s been three months and you still haven’t profited from an ATM machine, Thomas’ll move it to a new location at no additional cost. Not only that, but if you haven’t made at least 40% on your investment with Thomas by the end of the first year, he’ll hook you up with an additional ATM and contracted location on his dime. Nice.
So how does one make money with these things? Like who pays you? Or how’s that work?
Basically, when someone uses one of these machines, they’re hit with a convenience fee known as a surcharge. It’s usually about $3.
So if your machine gets used 200 times throughout the month, boom, you make $600.
The one big drawback to this? Guess who’s filling these babies with thousands of crispy twenties and tens every month? You are.
And that’s on top of whatever Thomas charges to set all this up for you.
So as you can see, you’ll need tens of thousands of dollars (or some rich friends who really trust you) just to get started.
Other ‘n’ that, Thomas bent this offer over and gave it a spankin’.