Ascent Empowerment Reviews


Chris Strouthopoulos has an impossible last name and a TEDx Talk on how fear holds us back. He helps adventurous men beat professional burnout, up their confidence, and create lasting fulfillment.

“Are you tired of being a hamster, endlessly spinning a wheel, counting down your days to retirement?” Chris asks in a selfie style video he shot mid hike. “Wouldn’t you rather be outside, doing something like this? So you can feel like a superhero, instead of being stuck inside, playing small?”

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“That used to be me,” he admits.

“I wouldn’t take chances. I wouldn’t speak my mind. And I would take the safe route rather than taking that calculated risk that I know would help me achieve those deep feelings of fulfillment,” he continues.

“There’s five shifts I made to unlock passion, purpose, and clarity. It’s the same five shifts I helped my client Dan make. Dan was an engineer, he was sitting in a cubicle, but his passion was surfing. When it came to the waves, he was attacking, looking for the biggest one.”

“When he was surfing, he was feeling alive, he was feeling free. But then he’d go back to work on Monday, he’d absolutely dread it, he’d procrastinate, he would feel this tidal wave on Sunday nights ’cause he knew all he was gonna do is sit in front of a spreadsheet manipulating numbers that were absolutely meaningless to him.”

“So once we made these five shifts, though, he started attacking work the same way he attacked surfing. And now we got him to pivot in his career.”

Today, Dan-O’s doing work that sets his soul ablaze: environmental sustainability for a cutting-edge company.

Not only that, but he got a humongous sign-on bonus, which doesn’t suck.

He’s waking up energized, aligned with his purpose in life.

Another one of Chris’s clients, Ed, was wondering how in the world he was gonna last another five years till he reached retirement age. Ed worked in finance in Manhattan. Had himself a corner office. From the outside looking in, Ed was a card-carrying member of the Made It Club.

Chris Hiking Narrow Gorge
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But Ed was at the end of his rope. So he hired Chris, followed his formula, and now he’s reconnected to his purpose, realigned with his why, and he is attacking work.

“And folks are recognizing,” Chris says. “For example, his boss just said, ‘You know, Ed, that was the best presentation you’ve ever made in your entire career.’ ‘Cause he’s pitching from the heart now. And that energy is contagious. He’s leading from the front. So if you wanna recapture your passion for your current position, I can help you as well.”

“If you’re interested in learning how to make these same five shifts in your life, so you can bring that passion, that purpose, that clarity that you feel in the outdoors,” Chris continues, “you need to check out Ascent Empowerment Coaching.”

No mention of cost, but Chris’s simple system has apparently already transformed the lives of hundreds of other men in addition to Dan and Ed.

It’s for you if you wanna get unstuck, reconnect with your authentic self, build a vision, find meaning, eliminate stress, and do it all without putting your responsibilities on the back burner.

“I’ve gone from being in a stale doldrum sort of state,” another client, Peter writes, “where I was frustrated, stale, and had nagging dissatisfaction. A quiet desperation.”

“Now I’ve cleared that all out,” he adds. “Momentum is there. I’m truly excited about my book, and have gone from 10 years with not a single word written, to over 85 pages in just 12 weeks.”

Another guy, Henry, chimes in: “Using Chris’s Empowered Identity Method, my kids, my marriage, my job, even what I do in my free time – everything has improved.”

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