Doug Cartwright is the founder of Alchemy Sales Coaching, a community of sales pros looking inward, focusing on the four areas of health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Because if one of those areas is not in alignment, it’s gonna affect how you show up in sales and in the business world.
“I love the idea that you actually don’t have a sales problem,” Doug says, “you have a personal problem that’s affecting your sales.”
Read on for my review.
“Here at Alchemy,” he continues, “we come in, we do the inner work to heal ourselves, to get aligned so that we can show up as our best selves in the sales world.”
“By joining Sales Alchemy Coaching, you can expect to join a powerful community of inspired individuals who’re all focused on becoming the best versions of themselves; who’re focused on working on their mental health, their emotional health, their spiritual health, and their physical health. If you don’t take care of each bucket, it’ll show up in your professional life.”
“So if you’re looking for a community that’s focused on inner personal development, sales training, investments and finances, Sales Alchemy Coaching is for you.”
“It’s an inspired group of members throughout the community who’re all coming together for one bigger purpose: to become the best versions of themselves. It’s living above the bar. Meaning, stepping into your unique gifts and living a life full of expression, authenticity, creativity, and success. You’re fully alive, totally free, ready to take on the world.”
Here’s what you get:
- Weekly group coaching calls where you’ll learn from Alchemy coaches, share insights, and take action on your personal development.
- An ongoing group chat with like-minded sales professionals you can network with and hold one another accountable.
- Access to experts on the topics of self-mastery, leadership, team management, investing, closing strategies, and more.
- Exclusive investment opportunities starting at $15k.
- One-on-one coaching.
- In-person events.
- And more.
Wondering if it’s for you? Scroll down, keep reading.

If you’re quote-unquote spiritually curious, if you’re ready to take your career to the next level, and you wanna form deep friendships with peers you can collaborate with, Alchemy Sales Coaching was designed with you in mind.
Each quarter will have its own focus.
Spring is self-mastery, authentic self-expression, and inner healing.
Summer is sales. So, mindset, preparation, and practice.
Fall is finances. Mastering your money, making it work for you.
And then winter is for leadership and recruiting. Building and managing your team, basically.
There’s no mention of what this program costs. I’m guessing it’s super expensive.
Not that it would matter for me. Way too zen-tastic. I’m not about to pay thousands of dollars to go sweat in a dusty tent while some hippie walks me through a “guided inquiry.”
Other people seem to dig it though.
One guy, Skylar, had this to say about his experience inside Alchemy so far: “Most sales training is pretty generic. I felt like Alchemy had the potential to dive a little bit deeper, to get into spirituality instead of just surface-level sales training.”
“I think vulnerability is key,” he continued. “Prior to this event, I struggled with being vulnerable. And throughout this entire summer of working with Doug and being a part of Alchemy in general, the vulnerability side of me really came out.”
“It’s helped me with my recruiting, my training, it’s also helped with my mindset that I kind of go through with my guys. Why people are running into road blocks and how to get around them. Being involved with this community has given me a lot of confidence about the future.”