Adam Smith is the creator of The X2 Entrepreneur. In a new YouTube ad, he says, “If you’re a freelance copywriter, you’re probably gonna wanna do this instead.”
“And the thing that you’re gonna wanna do instead,” he continues, “is learn how to become a copywriting consultant.”
“Now when you’re a copywriting consultant, you have so much more freedom; you have the ability to attract the right type of clients; high-paying clients; low maintenance clients; clients that pay you more and ask less of you.”
“And when you do it this way,” Adam explains, “when you position yourself as a copywriting consultant and you adopt this new business model, you stay in demand.”
“You’ll have a waiting list: a backlog of clients who’ve already paid you; they’re just waiting in line to work with you, kind of like Disneyland.”
“And, when you do it this way, you’re going to be able to see exactly how this can work inside your copywriting business so that you can have more freedom, more fulfillment, and you can feel better about your work.”
Adam says you don’t need any experience to start.
You don’t need a desktop folder bulging with case studies and testimonials.
You don’t need to be an ace marketer or a business baddie.
It doesn’t matter your age, whether you’re male or female, or whether you live in the U.S. or someplace else.
It may sound too good to be true, but some of Adam’s most successful students had never studied copywriting before joining his X2 Revenue course.
Now they’re out landing 4-, 5-, and even 6-figure deals.
Adam’s pioneering a brand new way to make money with writing.
It’s combining copy (words that sell stuff) with consulting (aka experts who give advice).
He claims copy consulting is the great equalizer, the path to true freedom.
Instead of freelancing, you’re selling a transformation.
Instead of offering every service imaginable to anyone who’ll pay you, you’re gonna become a specialist.
Instead of taking one step in nine different directions, you’re gonna take nine steps in one direction, right?

One audience, one deliverable, one price.
That’s how ya skip the chump change and go straight to the big bucks as a copy consultant.
For example, you might just sell presentations (like video sales letters) to high ticket coaches for $3,000.
Why? Because that’s a copywriting service that’s as close to the sale as it gets, right, so you can command that type of money.
But how, as a newbie, will you convince a complete stranger to fork over that kinda cash?
Simple. Metrics and numbers, Adam explains.
And if you don’t have any, to prove your legitimacy, you pick up a trial client, quickly rework their VSL or whatever, boost their conversion rate from, let’s say, 7- to 12%, and then you use that to go land the next client.
Because that’s what high-level people care about. Data.
“But what if I’m not confident in my ability to improve their presentation?” you might be asking.
Well, Adam’s got you covered with a belief-based selling framework.
Which pretty much makes you the Xzibit to their sorry-ass sales vehicle.
And after you pimp that ride, you’ll have created a digital asset that you can collect royalties on for years to come, assuming everything goes well.
“That’s what I’m talking about,” Adam says.
“That’s the difference between freelancing and copy consulting.”
“Your work is backed by numbers and metrics. You’re making a real difference, a real impact.”
“And that’s why I’m booked out for three months right now,” he brags.
Wanna learn from Adam?
Apply for his X2 Revenue program today.
No mention of cost, but I dig what I heard.