REI Game Changers founder, James Hodges, has a writer-downer for ya: “Simple scales, complexity fails,” he says.
“You wanna fail in business? Add more complexity to it. You wanna scale your business? Keep it simple and stay focused on the needle-moving activities that’ll drive that needle the most in the business,” he continues.
“Let me set the stage here, because my life today looks drastically different than it did just a few years ago.”
Ed J C Smith is the guy behind Clients On Automation. He can show ya how to get high-paying clients consistently, so you can scale your coaching business and stop working with people 1-on-1.
Either that, or you don’t pay.
“What if your inbox was crammed full of your ideal clients,” Ed says, “and your fulfillment was automated and therefore easy to scale? Would that be pretty cool?”
“If you’re a coach who wants high paying clients, listen up,” he says.
Devin Schumacher is the founder and Head of Growth at SERP Co. It’s a company that combines award-winning SEO with a world-class team that quickly grows businesses by leveraging free traffic from search engines.
“In fact, we help you grow your business by 2-3x in the next 90 days and 10x it in 6-12 months,” Devin claims.
“Literally, we have a 90-day guarantee at because we consistently and predictably get clients these results.”
Jon Chintanaroad can teach you how to start and grow your own highly profitable recruiting business, land clients with predictability, and you don’t even have to quit your day job until it pops off.
Step 1 is to choose a hyper focused niche, so you stand out as a specialist and not a generalist.
Step 2 is to send “perfect match messages” that get the attention of hiring managers and help you stand out from the sea of recruiters out there.
RAD Diversified was founded by Dutch Mendenhall and Amy Vaughn. They started off as 50% owners of another company that specialized in tax liens, parted ways, became tax auction investors.
What they realized, over the years, is that all these aspiring real estate investors were buying courses and coaching and attending seminars, but hardly any of ’em ever took action and bought a property.
Jaime Higuera is the founder of School of E-com, where he’s creating the next generation of ecommerce agency owners and helping them scale to 6-figures and beyond.
“This business is pretty damn cool,” Jaime says, “and there are seven big reasons for that.”
“One, you’re not tied to any physical location,” he continues.
“Number two, it’s hyper profitable and fast to scale when you have the right systems in place.”
“Three, you get to work with friends, and sometimes family.”
Jaryd Krause is the founder of Buying Online Businesses, where he sells a variety of different courses and coaching programs to help you do just that: buy an internet-based business that’s already successful.
After starting some of his own online hustles, such as a travel blog and ecom store, Jaryd quickly realized that building a business from the ground up was incredibly hard.
Shanda Sumpter doesn’t know what your definition of freedom is, but here’s what she can tell you.
“There’s over 76% of Americans right now that are stressed financially,” she says.
“And right now, psychologists are connecting that anxiety and depression and not being able to sleep is connected to financial pressure,” she continues.
“And guess what? All of that can be changed. We can change the rip current in your life.”
“I say this in a humble way because it’s not something I normally talk about.”
Craig Emslie is the face of FBALaunch, a division of Click Profit LLC, which he founded with Bill Holton and Patrick McGeoghean.
Their latest ad promises investors and entrepreneurs they’ll make up to $100,000 guaranteed or you get your money back. Not only that but they’ll keep running your Amazon FBA store for you, for free.
They say they’ve been seen on Forbes, Business Insider, USA Today, Yahoo Finance, and more.
Robert Syslo Jr, of Syslo Ventures, knows exactly why most digital marketing fails, how you can avoid this failure and use it in your favor, and the keys you can implement to see rapid growth.
Robert’s been in marketing for 18 years now.
The basics haven’t changed, but where you implement them has.
The first reason most internet marketers fall flat is ’cause they don’t understand how much energy needs to go into it. You can’t just throw up a Facebook ad and expect to get rich.
Boge Group was founded by Andrew Imbesi. What do you need to know about him, other than the fact that he likes taking pictures in front of stunning skylines?
Well, for starters, he says he can teach ya how to get access to at least $50,000 in 0% interest funding for investments and businesses.
“With all the craziness that’s happened over the past couple years, my partners and I were able to maximize our income with just this,” Andrew claims.
Cadre is commercial real estate investing, reimagined. If you’re here, it means you probably saw the cofounder and CEO, Ryan Williams, telling you about it in a YouTube ad.
Here’s what you need to know.
“Cadre is a real estate investment platform,” he says.
“I founded the company back in 2014 after spending some time working at Blackstone,” he continues. “And what I learned at Blackstone is that real estate is one of the most important asset classes to own to build long-term wealth.”
Jack Patel flips cars and works in the car industry for high profits. He’s been doing it for 15+ years now.
It’s a $3.8 trillion dollar a year industry, so there’s plenty of opportunity if you know what you’re doing.
And if so, there’s no reason you can’t make an extra $5- to $6k a month implementing Jack’s strategies from anywhere in the world. Even with pandemics and wars and recessions going on.