Max Horenstein claims the best way to make $30,000 a month is through Airbnb arbitrage. He did it himself, starting from zero, in just six months. Oh and he only worked five hours a week.
Now he wants to help you do the same. And if you don’t get your first deal in the time that you’re working together, Max’ll continue working with you, for free, until you do.
He’s confident because he’s made all the mistakes, learned from them, and is constantly perfecting his system.
“I’ve figured out what doesn’t work,” Max says, “and most importantly, what does work, and I’ve packaged all of that into an A to Z blueprint that I’m gonna walk you through one-on-one.”
“We’re gonna find an untapped market and then we’re gonna create a customized game plan for how we can take this from a mere side hustle to a true real estate empire,” he continues.
“My first month on Airbnb (June 2021), I made $188. In month six (November 2021), I made $32,846.”
“And look at a random month like this past March, for example,” he continues. “I jetted off to Barcelona and made $36,302 while I was away.”
“But the best part about this is it’s not just me, it’s my students as well.”
“Take Arzu, for instance. She got her third unit in a two-week period.”
“Or my student David. He’s still in high school. Got his first deal, and then he made $1,000 off his very first booking.”
“If you look at Kenny, he’s a full-time father, husband and worker, and he’s got his second unit up and running.”
Max keeps going down the list, sounding like a proud poppa. Not to be confused with Big Poppa, which I love it when you call me.
There’s Teresa, who got a unit in Florida and then another one in Pittsburgh.
There’s Tony who works as a project manager six days a week, 10 hours a day, and still managed to close the very first landlord he talked to.
None of this is a surprise to Max. He’s holding each of their hands, walking ’em through the process, keeping them accountable, forcing them to succeed.

Alright Max, what’s that look like? Weekly coaching. One-on-one access. He’ll even stay in your Airbnb… if you pay for it.
Jokes aside, here’s what it comes down to. In a word, efficiency.
“See, after working with students in over 50 different markets,” Max explains, “running the business both for myself and then having my students run their Airbnb businesses remotely, what we’ve come to realize after collecting the data is that what everyone else is teaching out there? It just doesn’t work in today’s market.”
Things like cold calling landlords and begging ’em to sublease their property, or sending spammy emails to apartment complexes in popular touristy type destinations – those are about as outdated as slap bracelets, according to Max.
So he flipped the script and came up with the most efficient protocol to start and scale your own short-term rental business.
Not only that, but he’ll show you how to put people and software and systems in place to where you can run the entire thing from your iPhone.
If that sounds warm and cozy, like passing out poolside after a bucket of beers, you know the drill. Book a spot on Max’s calendar so y’all can chat.
Worst case, you leave with more insight. Best case, you hand him however many thousands of dollars he’s charging for this so-called Arbitrage Accelerated Program, and you start flipping beds ASAP.
Like his student, Sarah, who just had someone book 62 nights at $102 a pop.
I dunno. It’s just hard for me to believe it’s that easy to get another landlord to agree to this. But maybe.